A frictional contact problem with normal damped response conditions and thermal effects for a thermo-electro-viscoelastic material

Abdelmoumene Djabi (Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Ferhat Abbas- Setif 1 University, Setif, Algeria)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 21 March 2023




The paper presents a mathematical problem involving quasistatic contact between a thermo-electro-viscoelastic body and a lubricated foundation, where the contact is described using a version of Coulomb’s law of friction that includes normal damped response conditions and heat exchange with a conductive foundation. The constitutive law for the material is thermo-electro-viscoelastic. The problem is formulated as a system that includes a parabolic equation of the first kind for the temperature, an evolutionary elliptic quasivariational inequality for the displacement and a variational elliptic equality for the electric stress. The author establishes the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem by utilizing classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic differential equations and fixed point arguments.


The author establishes a variational formulation for the model and proves the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem using classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic difierential equations and fixed point arguments.


The author proves the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem using classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic difierential equations and fixed point arguments.


The author studies a mathematical problem between a thermo-electro-viscoelastic body and a lubricated foundation using a version of Coulomb’s law of friction including the normal damped response conditions and the heat exchange with a conductive foundation, which is original and requires a good understanding of modeling and mathematical tools.



Djabi, A. (2023), "A frictional contact problem with normal damped response conditions and thermal effects for a thermo-electro-viscoelastic material", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-08-2021-0174



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Abdelmoumene Djabi


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1. Introduction

Contact phenomena between deformable bodies or between a deformable body and a foundation are ubiquitous phenomena in everyday life. The contact of a wheel with the ground, the contact of the brake shoe with the wheel or the gradual sinking in a wheelchair during a seated posture, are just a few everyday examples, among many others. Some industrial processes such as metal stamping and metal extrusion lead to evolution problems where contact and friction conditions are decisive. These phenomena call upon sophisticated mathematical models, which are represented by systems of partial differential equations with boundary conditions describing complex contact processes (with or without friction). The mathematical theory of contact problems allows rigorous modeling of contact phenomena based on the principles of continuum mechanics as well as on variational analysis and numerical models.

Important developments concerning the mathematical study, numerical mechanics of the problems resulting from the mechanics of the contact were carried out during XXth century. The first contact problem between a deformable body and a foundation was stated by Signorini and first solved by Fichera. Duvaut and Lions were the first to work on the mathematical theory of contact mechanics; They introduced variational formulations of contact problems and provided existence and uniqueness results. Subsequently, several new works have focused on the resolution of these variational problems such as the work of Refs [1–6]. However, mathematical theory of contact problems is a very broad field of study where many issues remain to be investigated.

The importance of the mathematical study of such problems leads to give coupled conditions for the material and the contact conditions.

Recent researches use coupled laws of behavior between mechanical and electric effects or between mechanical and thermal effects. For the case of coupled laws of behavior between mechanical and electric effects, numerous papers use different electro-mechanical conditions such as [2, 5, 7, 8]. For the case of coupled laws of behavior between mechanical and thermal effects, we can found several models in Refs [4, 6, 7, 9–12]. For this, the new researches use coupled conditions between the mechanical, electrical and thermal behavior of the material see [13–15].

The pyroelectric effect is characterized by a coupling between the electrical and thermal effects and does not produce mechanical effects. The pyroelectric effect used for fire alarm, pyroelectric detectors and sensors. Some pyroelectric applications can be found in Refs [9, 16, 17].

The piezoelectric effect is a coupling between the mechanical and electrical properties of the materials and does not produce heat effects. This coupling, leads to the appearance of electric field in the presence of a mechanical stress and conversely. A mechanical stress is generated when electric potential is applied. The first effect is used in sensors and the reverse effect is used in actuators. During the past few years, a lot of attention has been focused on the piezoelectric effects, such as [8, 18, 19].

Recent modeling, analysis and numerical simulations of electro-mechanical, thermo-mechanical and thermo-electro-mechanical contact problems with friction can be found in Refs [2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14]. General models of energy can be found in Refs [1]. a generalized Coulomb friction version is given in Refs [3, 20]. Indeed, the authors used the normal damped response conditions for a lubricated foundation; see, for instance [21, 22].

Nowadays, there are increasing efforts to investigate coupled-field problems. In this respect, electro-thermo-mechanical coupling is one particular application, which occurs, for example, in Car fan or Computer fan. In this paper we use mixed conditions between electrical, thermal and mechanical conditions. The law of behavior used is given by


This law is thermo-electro-viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt model where A, G are nonlinear operators describing the purely viscous and the elastic properties of the material, respectively and E(φ) = −∇φ, E=(eijk), M, B, P are respectively electric field, piezoelectric, thermal expansion, electric permittivity, pyroelectric tensors, and E* is the transpose of E. Note also that when E=0 and D = 0, (1.1)–(1.2) becomes the Kelvin-Voigt thermo-viscoelastic constitutive relation used in [10]. Moreover, when M=0 and P=0, the relations (1.1)–(1.2) becomes the Kelvin-Voigt electro-viscoelastic.

The evolution of the temperature field obtained from the conservation of energy and defined with the following differential equation

where θ is the temperature, K denotes the thermal conductivity tensor, M the thermal expansion tensor, qth is the density of volume heat sources and ψ is a nonlinear function, assumed here depends on thermal expansion tensor and the displacement field.

Processes of contact are present in numerous domestic and industrial applications which may change from body to body depending on the constitutive law of the body studied. In this paper we use mechanical, thermal and electrical contact conditions.

For the mechanical contact conditions, the Coulomb friction is one of the most useful friction laws and known from the literature. This law has two basic ingredients namely the concept of friction threshold and its dependence on the normal stress. We use normal damped response conditions associated with the Coulomb’s law of dry friction given by:

(1.4)σν=pνu̇νt,  |στ|pτu̇νt,στ=pτu̇νtu̇τtu̇τt, if  u̇τt0,

This condition models frictional contact between the body and lubricated foundation where pν and pτ represent given contact functions, u̇ν and u̇τ denote the normal and tangential velocity field respectively.

On the other hand in the study of this problem, we make the assumption that the foundation is thermo-electrical conductive, the electrical conductivity assumed depends on the linear function H defined as:


Here, we assume that the electrical conductivity H depends only on the electric potential φ and the initial electric potential φ0

Moreover, for the thermal conductivity we use the following conditions on the contact surface

where ke is the heat exchange coefficient between the body and the obstacle, θF is the temperature of the foundation.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the model. In Section 3 we introduce the notations, some preliminaries results, list of the assumptions on the data and we give the variational formulation of the problem. In Section 4 we state our main existence and uniqueness result theorem 4.1. The proof of the theorem is based on evolutionary elliptic variational inequalities, ordinary differential equations and fixed point arguments.

2. The model

The physical setting is the following. A thermo-electro-viscoelastic body occupies a bounded domain ΩRd(d=2,3) with outer Lipschitz surface Γ. This boundary is divided into three open disjoint parts Γ1, Γ2 and Γ3, on one hand and a partition of Γ1 ∪ Γ2 into two open parts Γa and Γb, on the other hand. We assume that meas1) > 0 and measa) > 0. Let T > 0 and [0, T] be the time interval of interest. The body is subjected to the action of body forces of density f0, volume electric charges of density q0 and a heat source of constant strength qth.The body is clamped on Γ1 × (0, T), so the displacement field vanishes there. A surface traction of density f2 act on Γ2 × (0, T). We also assume that the electrical potential vanishes on Γa × (0, T) and a surface electric charge of density qb is prescribed on Γb × (0, T). Moreover, we suppose that the temperature vanishes on Γ1Γ2×(0,T). Moreover, we suppose that the body forces and tractions vary slowly in time, and therefore, the accelerations in the system may be neglected. Neglecting the inertial terms in the equation of motion leads to a quasistatic approach to the process.

In the reference configuration, the body is in contact with a foundation, over the contact surface Γ3. The model of the contact is frictional specified by the normal damped response conditions and it is associated with the Coulomb’s law of dry friction for the mechanical contact, an associated temperature boundary condition for the thermal contact and electrical conditions modeling electric potential exchange between the body and the conductive foundation.

The classical formulation of the mechanical problem is as follows.

Problem P. Find the displacement field u:Ω×[0,T]Rd, the stress field σ:Ω×[0,T]Sd, the electric potential φ:Ω×[0,T]R, the electric displacement field D:Ω×[0,T]Rd and the temperature θ:Ω×[0,T]R such that

(2.1)σ(t)=A(ε(u̇(t)))+Gε(u(t))+E*φ(t)Mθ(t),in Ω×(0,T),
(2.2)D(t)=Eε(u(t))B(φ(t))+Pθ(t),in Ω×(0,T),
(2.3)θ̇(t)divKθt=ψ(Mθ(t),u(t))+qth,in Ω×(0,T),
(2.4)Divσ+f0=0in Ω×(0,T),
(2.5)divD=q0in Ω×(0,T),
(2.6)u=0on Γ1×(0,T),
(2.7)σν=f2on Γ2×(0,T),
(2.8)σν=pνu̇νt,  |στ|pτu̇νt,στ=pτu̇νtu̇τtu̇τt, if  u̇τt0,on Γ3×(0,T),
(2.9)kijθ,inj=keθtθFon Γ3×(0,T),
(2.10)D.ν=Hφton Γ3×(0,T),
(2.11)θ=0    on Γ1Γ2×(0,T),
(2.12)φ=0on Γa×(0,T),
(2.13)Dν=qbon Γb×(0,T),
(2.14)u(0)=u0,θ(0)=θ0,in Ω.
we now describe problem (2.1)–(2.14) and provide explanation of the equations and the boundary conditions.

Equations (2.1) and (2.2) represent the thermo-electro-viscoelastic constitutive law, the evolution of the temperature field is governed by differential equation given by the relation (2.3) where ψ is the mechanical source of the temperature growth, assumed to be rather general function of the strains. Next equations (2.4) and (2.5) are the steady equations for the stress and electric-displacement field, conditions (2.6) and (2.7) are the displacement and traction boundary conditions. Equation (2.11) means that the temperature vanishes on Γ1Γ2. Next, (2.12) and (2.13) represent the electric boundary conditions for the electrical potential on Γa and the electric charges on Γb respectively. Equation (2.14) represents the initial displacement field and the initial temperature field where the initial displacement is u0, and θ0 is the initial temperature.

We turn to the contact conditions (2.8)–(2.10) describe a mixed contact on the potential contact surface Γ3. The relation (2.8) describes a normal damped response conditions with the Coulomb’s law of dry friction (2.9) represents an associated temperature boundary condition on contact surface. Finally, (2.10) shows models the electric conductivity.

3. Variational formulation

In order to obtain the variational formulation of the Problem P, we use the following notations and preliminaries

3.1 Notations and preliminaries

We present the notation we recall some preliminary material. For more details, we refer the reader to [23–26]. In what follows the indices i and j run from 1 to d, the summation convention over repeated indices is used and the index that follows a comma indicates a partial derivative with respect to the corresponding component of the independent variable. We denote by Sd the space of second order symmetric tensors on Rd (d = 2, 3). We recall that the canonical inner products and the corresponding norms on Rd and Sd, respectively are given by

u.v=ui.vi ,  v=v.v  for all u,vRd,σ.τ=σij.τij , τ=τ.τ  for all σ,τSd.

Let ΩRd be a bounded domain with outer Lipschitz boundary Γ and let ν denote the unit outer normal on Ω = Γ. We introduce the spaces

Here ε:H1(Ω)dH and Div:H1H are the linearized deformation and divergence operators, respectively, defined by
The spaces H, H, H1(Ω)d and H1 are real Hilbert spaces endowed with the canonical inner products given by:
and with the associated norms are denoted by ‖⋅‖H, H, H1(Ω)d and H1, respectively. We introduce the closed subspaces of H1(Ω) and H1(Ω)d defined by
V=vH1(Ω)d:v=0 on Γ1,W=ϕH1(Ω)d:ϕ=0 on Γa,W={D=Di:DiL2(Ω),divDL2(Ω)},Z=wH1(Ω):w=0 a.e on Γ1Γ2,

Since measΓa > 0 and measΓ1 > 0, the Korn’s and Friedrichs-Poincaré inequalities hold, thus,

where here and below C0, C1 and C2 are positive constants that depend on the problem data and are independent of the solutions.

On the spaces V, W and Z, we define the following inner products


It follows from (3.1) and (3.4) that ‖.H1(Ω)d and ‖.‖V are equivalent norms on V, (3.2) and (3.5) follows that ‖.H1(Ω)d and ‖.‖W are equivalent norms on W and from (3.3) and (3.6) we deduce that ‖.H1(Ω) and ‖.Z are equivalent norms on Z. Therefore, the spaces (V, (⋅,⋅)V), (W, (⋅,⋅)W) and (Z,(,)Z) are real Hilbert spaces. Moreover, by the Sobolev trace theorem and the equalities (3.4)–(3.6), there exists C0, C1 and C2, three positive constants, such that


Let HΓ=(H1/2(Γ))d and γ:H1(Γ)dHΓ be the trace map. For every element v ∈ H1(Ω)d, we also use the notation v to denote the trace map γv of v on Γ, and we denote by vν and vτ the normal and tangential components of v on Γ given by


Similarly, for a regular (say C1) tensor field σ:ΩSd we define its normal and tangential components by

and for all σH1, θH1(Ω)d and DW the following three Green’s formulas holds:
divθ=(θi,i),  divD=(Di,i),

We recall the following definition of an Gelfand triple.

Definition 3.1.

Let V and H be real Hilbert spaces such that V is dense in H and the injection map is continuous. The space H is identified with its own dual and with a subspace of the dual V′ of V. We write

and we say that the inclusions above define a Gelfand triple. We denote by ·V, ·H, and ·V, the norms on the spaces V, H and V′ respectively, and we use  ·,·V×V for the duality pairing between V′ and V. Note that if f ∈ H then
(3.15) f,vV×V=f,vH,vH.

and we recall the following Theorem

Theorem 3.2.

Let VHVbe a Gelfand triple. Assume that A: VVis a hemicontinuous and monotone operator that satisfies

(3.16) Av,vV×VωvV2+ζ,vV
(3.17) AvV2CvV+1,vV
For some constants ω > 0, C > 0 and ζR Then, given u0 ∈ H and fL20,T;V, there exists a unique function uL20,T;VC0,T;H satisfies
uL20,T;VC0,T;H,u̇L20,T;V,u̇t+Aut=ft a.e t0,T,u0=u0

The proof of this abstract result may be found in [3, p. 141], and will be used in the study of thermal problem presented in Section 5.

Finally, for any real Hilbert space X, we use the classical notation for the spaces Lp(0, T; X) and Wk,p(0, T; X), where 1 ≤ p ≤  and k > 1. For T > 0 we denote by C(0,T;X) and C1(0,T;X) the space of continuous and continuously differentiable functions from [0, T] to X, respectively, with the norms


Moreover, we use the dot above to indicate the derivative with respect to the time variable and if X1 and X2 are real Hilbert spaces then X1 × X2 denotes the product Hilbert space endowed with the canonical inner product (⋅,⋅)X1×X2.

3.2 Assumptions on the data

We now list the assumptions on the problem’s data.

The viscosity operator A:Ω×SdSd satisfies

(3.18)(a) There exists LA>0 such that    A(x,ε1)A(x,ε2)LAε1ε2 for all ε1,ε2Sd,a.e.xΩ.(b) There exists mA>0 such that   (A(x,ε1)A(x,ε2))(ε1ε2)mAε1ε22       for all ε1,ε2Sd,a.e.xΩ.(c) The mapping xA(x,ε) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω,for any εSd.  (d) The mapping xA(x,0) belongs to H.

The elasticity operator G:Ω×SdSd satisfies

(3.19)(a) There exists LG>0 such that   G(x,ε1)G(x,ε2)LGε1ε2 for all ε1,ε2Sd,a.e.xΩ.(b) The mapping xG(x,ε) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω,for any εSd.(c) The mapping xG(x,0) belongs to H.

The piezoelectric operator E:Ω×SdRd satisfies

(3.20)(a)Ex,τ=eijkτjk,τ=τjkSd,a.e.x in Ω.(b)eijk=eikjL(Ω),1i,j,kd.                

The thermal expansion operator M:Ω×RR

(3.21)(a) There exists a constant LM>0 such that   M(x,θ1)M(x,θ2)LMθ1θ2 for all θ1,θ2R,a.e.xΩ.(b) The mapping xM(x,θ) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω,for any θR.(c) The mapping xM(x,0)H(d)mij=mjiL(Ω).

The nonlinear constitutive function ψ:Ω×R×VR satisfies

(3.22)(a) There exists a constant Lψ>0 such that    ψ(x,Mθ1,u1)ψ(x,Mθ2,u2)Lψ(Mθ1Mθ2+u1u2)     for all θ1,θ2R, for all u1,u2V,a.e.xΩ.(b) The mapping xψ(x,Mθ,u) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω for any θR,    for any uV.(c) The mapping xψ(x,0,0)L2(Ω).

The electric permittivity operator B=(Bij):Ω×RdRd satisfies

(3.23)(a)B(x,E)=(Bij(x)Ej) for all E=(Ei)Rd,a.e.xΩ.(b)Bij=BjiL(Ω),1i,jd.(c) There exists a constant mB>0 such that BE.EmB|E|2       for all E=(Ei)Rd,  a.e. in Ω.              

The pyroelectric operator P:Ω×RdRd

(3.24)(a) There exists a constant LP>0 such that   P(x,θ1)P(x,θ2)LPθ1θ2    for all θ1,θ2Rd,a.e.xΩ.(b) The mapping xP(x,0) belongs to W.  

The thermal conductivity operator K:Ω×RdRd

(3.25)(a) There exists a constant LK>0 such that   K(x,r1)K(x,r2)LKr1r2 for all r1,r2Rd,a.e.xΩ.(b)kij=kjiL(Ω) ,1i,jd.(c) The mapping xS(x,0,0) belongs to L2(Ω).

The contact functions ps: Γ3×RR+,s=ν,τ satisfy

(3.26)(a) There exists Ls>0 such that    ps(x,φ1)ps(x,φ2)Lsr1r2 for all r1,r2R,a.e.xΓ3.(b) The mapping xps(x,φ) is Lebesgue measurable on Γ3,for any rR.  (c) The mapping xps(x,0) belongs to L2(Γ3).

The electrical conductivity function H:Ω×RR+ satisfies

(3.27)(a) There exists mHe>0 such that   (H(x,φ1)H(x,φ2))(φ1φ2)mHφ1φ22       for all φ1,φ2R,a.e.xΩ.(b) The mapping xH(x,φ) is Lebesgue measurable on Ω,for any φR.  (c) The mapping xH(x,0) belongs to L2(Ω).

The density of volume forces, traction, volume electric charges, surface electric charges and the temperature evolution increase satisfy

(3.30)Lθ>0,θ1θ2ZLθφ1φ2W  for all θiZ,φiW,i=1,2.

The initial displacement, the potential of the foundation, the initial temperature and the temperature of the foundation fields satisfy

and the initial temperature field satisfies

Using the above notation and Green’s formulas given by (3.12)–(3.14), we obtain the variational formulation of the mechanical problem (2.1)–(2.14) for all functions v ∈ V, wZ, ϕ ∈ W and a.e t0,T given as follows,

3.3 Problem PV

Find the displacement field u: [0, T] → V, the stress field σ:[0,T]H1, the electric potential φ: [0, T] → W, the electric displacement field D: [0, T] → H and the temperature θ: [0, T] → V such that

(3.38)u(0)=u0,θ(0)=θ0,in Ω.
where j:V×VR,f:[0,T]V, qe:[0,T]W,G1:Z×ZR and G2:W×WR are respectively, defined by
for all u, v ∈ V, θ,wZ and ϕ ∈ W and t ∈ [0, T]. We note that the definitions of f and qe are based on the Riesz representation theorem. Moreover, conditions (3.28) and (3.29) imply that
(3.44)fC(0,T;V), qeC(0,T;W).

4. Existence and uniqueness of a solution

Now, we propose our existence and uniqueness result.

Theorem 4.1.

Assume that (3.18)–(3.32) hold. Then there exists a constant α0 which depends only on Ω, Γ1, Γ3 and A such that if

(4.1) Lν+Lτ<α0,
where α0=mAC02 such that mA is defined in (3.18) and C0 defined by (3.7).Then there exists a unique solution u,σ,θ,φ,D to problem PV . Moreover, the solution satisfies
(4.2) uC1(0,T;V),
(4.3) σC(0,T;H1),
(4.4) θL2(0,T;Z)C(0,T;L2(Ω)),
(4.5) φC(0,T;W),
(4.6) DC(0,T;W),

The proof of Theorem 4.1 is carried in several steps. It is based on results of evolutionary variational inequalities, ordinary differential equations and fixed point arguments.

To prove the theorem we consider the following three auxiliary problems for given ηC(0,T;V), χL2(0,T;Z) we consider the following three auxiliary problems:

4.1 Problem PVη

Find a displacement field uη: [0, T] → V and a stress field ση:[0,T]H such that

(4.10)  (f(t),vu̇η(t))V(ηt,ε(vu̇η(t)))H,
(4.11)uη(0)=u0, in Ω.
for all uη, v ∈ V and t0,T,

4.2 Problem PVχ

Find the temperature θχ:[0,T]Z which is solution of the variational problem

(4.13)θχ(0)=θ0,in Ω.
for all θχ,wZ, a.e.t ∈ (0, T),

4.3 Problem PVφ

Find an electrical potential φ: [0, T] → W, D:[0,T]W such that

for all φ, ϕ ∈ W, t0,T.

We begin with an auxiliary result on the properties of the functionals j:V×VR and G1:Z×ZR defined by (3.39) and (3.42), respectively.

Lemma 4.2.

Under the hypotheses (3.18)–(3.32), the functionals j and G1 satisfy

(4.16) j(u,.) is convex and lower semicontinuous on V,
(4.17) j(u1,v2)+j(u2,v1)j(u1,v1)j(u2,v2)   C02μLΓ3+1u1u2Vv1v2V, for all u1,u2,v1,v2V
(4.18) G1θ1,wG1θ2,wL2(Γ3)CG1θ1tθ2tZ,for all θ1,θ2,wZ

Proof (Lemma 4.2). We use the assumption (3.26) and inequality (3.7) to see that the functional j defined by (3.39) is a seminorm on V and moreover,


Thus, the seminorm j is continuous on V and, therefore, (4.16) hold.

From the definition of the functional j given by (3.39), we have


Using (3.39), the last equality becomes

(4.20)j(u1,v2)+j(u2,v1)j(u1,v1)j(u2,v2)Γ3Lν|u1νu2ν|.|v2ν||v1ν|da+Γ3Lτ|u1νu2ν.v1τv2τda,  for all u1,u2,v1,v2V,

Next, we use the following inequalities

(4.21)|u1νu2ν|u1u2, |v2ν||v1ν||v1νv2ν|v1v2,v1τv2τv1τv2τv1v2,

The inequality (4.20) becomes

j(u1,v2)+j(u2,v1)j(u1,v1)j(u2,v2)   Γ3Lν+Lτu1u2.v1v2da,
which implies
j(u1,v2)+j(u2,v1)j(u1,v1)j(u2,v2)   Lν+Lτu1u2L2(Γ3).v1v2L2(Γ3)da,

Using (3.7) and (4.1), we conclude

j(u1,v2)+j(u2,v1)j(u1,v1)j(u2,v2)   C02α0u1u2V.v1v2Vda.

Moreover, the functional G1 defined in (3.42) by

G1θ,w=Γ3keθ.νθF.νwda,for all θ,θF,wZ,

Thus by the assumption (3.32) and inequality (4.21), we get


From the inequality (3.8), we obtain


Thus, we can write

G1θ1,wG1θ2,wL2(Γ3)CG1θ1tθ2tZ,for all θ1,θ2Z.
where CG1=C1keLΓ3. □

We have the following result for Problem PVη.

Lemma 4.3.

Under the hypotheses (3.18)(3.32), for every ηC(0,T;V), Problem PVη has a unique weak solution uη,ση, such that

(4.22) uηC1(0,T;V) , σηC(0,T;H1).
Moreover, if ui,σi are the solutions of Problem PVηi, corresponding η=ηiC(0,T;V) for i = 1, 2,then
(4.23) u1tu2tVC0Tη1(s)η2(s)Vds

Proof [of Lemma (4.3)]. Choosing v=u̇η(t)±ξ in (4.10), where ξDΩd is arbitrary, we find


Using the definition (3.40) for f, we deduce


With the regularity assumption (3.28) on f0, we see that Divση(t) ∈ H. Therefore, ση(t)H1.

Now, we use Riesz Representation Theorem to define the operators A: VV, B: VV and the function fη:0,TV by

for all u, v ∈ V and t0,T.

It follows from (4.25) and (3.18(a)) that


Which shows that A: VV is Lipschitz continuous. Now, by (4.25) and (3.18(b)) we find

i.e. that A: VV is a strongly monotone operator on V. Moreover, using (4.26) and (3.19(a)) we find
if (4.1) is satisfied, since A is a strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous operator on V and B is Lipschitz continuous operator on V, j(u, .) satisfies conditions (4.16) and (4.17), u0 satisfies the assumption (3.31), and we note that for any fixed ηC(0,T;V) we use the definitions 3.44 and (4.27) to show that fηC(0,T;V) we deduce from classical results for evolutionary elliptic variational inequalities (see for example [27]) that there exists a unique function uηC1(0,T;V). Moreover, for ui=uηi solutions of the Problem PVηi for i = 1, 2, then



We have


Recent modeling Using (4.31) the inequality (4.32) becomes


Next, we apply Gronwall’s inequality to deduce


For the Problem PVχwe have the following result.

Lemma 4.4.

Under the hypotheses (3.18)(3.32), for every χL2(0,T;Z), Problem PVχ has a unique weak solution such that

(4.34) θχL2(0,T;Z)C(0,T;L2(Ω)),

Moreover, if θi are the solutions of Problem PVχi, corresponding χ=χiC(0,T;Z) for i = 1, 2, then

(4.35) θ1tθ2tL2(Ω)2C0Tχ1sχ2sZ2ds

Proof [of Lemma (4.4)]. The inclusion mapping of Z,.Z into L2Ω,.L2Ω is continuous and its range is dense. We can write the Gelfand triple


The problem (4.12)–(4.13) may be written as

θ̇χ(t)+Kθχt=Q(t) ,θχ(0)=θ0 ,
where, K:ZZ and Q:0,TZ are defined as

It follows from the definition of the operator K, and (3.15) the assumption (3.25(b)) that

(4.38)KτKwZLKτwZ , τ,wZ,
which shows that K:ZZ is continuous and so is hemicontinuous

Now, by (4.36) and (3.25(c)), we find

(4.39)(KτKw,τw)Z×ZmKτwZ2 , τ,wZ,

Which shows that is K a strongly monotone operator. Choosing w=0Z in (4.39), we obtain

(Kτ,τ)Z×ZmKτZ2K0ZZτZ12mKτZ212mKK0ZZ , τZ ,

Thus, K satisfies condition (3.16) with ω=mK2 and ζ=12mKK0ZZ.

Next, by (4.38) we deduce that

KτZLKτZ+K0ZZ , τZ.

This inequality implies that K satisfies condition (3.17).

Moreover, for χ(t)L2(0,T;Z) and qth(t)L20,T;L2Ω which implies QL20,T;Z and θ0L2Ω.

It follows now from Theorem 3.2 that there exists a unique function θχL2(0,T;Z)C(0,T;L2(Ω)), which satisfies the Problem PVχ.

Now, to provide the estimate (4.35), we take the substitution χ = χ1 and χ = χ2 in (4.12) and subtracting the two obtained equations, we deduce by choosing w=θ1tθ2t as test function.

(θ̇1(t)θ̇2(t),θ1tθ2t)Z×Z+(Kθ1tKθ2t,θ1tθ2t)Z×Z  =(χ1(t)χ2(t),θ1tθ2t)Z×Z ,

Then integrating the last property over 0,t, using (3.15),(4.38) and (4.39), we deduce (4.35). □

For the last Problem PVφwe have the following result.

Lemma 4.5.

Under the hypotheses (3.18)(3.32), for every ηC(0,T;V), Problem PVφ has a unique weak solution φη,Dη such that

(4.40) φηC(0,T;W),DηC(0,T;W),
Moreover, if φi,Di are the solutions of problem PVηi, corresponding η=ηiC(0,T;V) for i = 1, 2, then
(4.41) φ1(t)φ2(t)WCu1(t)u2(t)V,

Proof [of Lemma (4.5)]. First, for the functional G2:W×WR defined in (3.43):

Let φ1, φ2 ∈ W, we find that


We use the definition on the functional H given in (1.5) to obtain

which implies

Using the inequality (3.8), we get


We use Riesz representation theorem to define the operator F: WW by

(4.43)Fφ,ϕW=Bφ(t),ϕH(Eε(uη(t)),ϕ)W+G2φ,ϕ,φ,ϕW ,

Let φ1, φ2 ∈ W. Using the assumption (3.23) and (3.27), we find that


On the other hand, using the assumptions (3.20), (3.23) and the inequality (4.42), we have

Fφ1Fφ2,ϕWCE+C1φ1φ2W2ϕW,φ,ϕW ,
where CE and C1 are a positives constants. Thus,

Thus, by (4.44) and (4.45) we conclude that Ft is a strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous operator on W and, therefore, there exists a unique element φη ∈ W such that


Let η1,η2C(0,T;V). Using the last equality, we get


Moreover, we use the assumption (3.30), to obtain


We conclude that φηt is a solution of PVφ. It follows from (3.20), (3.23) and (4.15) that


Using (3.2) and (3.30), we get


which implies


Then, for every uηC1(0,T;V), the previous inequality and the regularity of qe imply that φη ∈ C0,T;W.

We now use (3.41) and definition of the divergence operator div to see that

(4.48)divDη,ϕH=qe,ϕH , ϕH1(Ω),

This shows that DηC(0,T;W).

Let η1,η2C(0,T;V) and let uiC1(0,T;V), for i = 1, 2, We use (4.15) and arguments similar to those used in the proof of (4.47) to obtain (4.41) □

Finally, as a consequence of these results and using the properties of the operators E, M and the function ψ for t0,T, we consider the element

defined by

We have the following result.

Lemma 4.6.

Let (4.1) be satisfied. Then for (η,χ)C(0,T;V×L2(Z)), the function Λ(η,χ):0,TV×L2(Z) is continuous, and there is a unique element (η*,χ*)C(0,T;V×L2(Z)). Such that Λ(η*, χ*) = (η*, χ*)

Proof [of Lemma 4.6]. Let (η,χ)C(0,T;V×L2(Z)), and t1,t20,T. Using the assumptions (3.19)–(3.22) and (3.24), we have


The last inequality and (4.18), implies


Using Hölder’s inequality, we get


For the electric potential field, we use (4.33) and (4.41), we obtain


For the displacement, we use (4.23) to get


Moreover, using the inequality (4.35) obtained in Lemma 4.4 for the temperature.

Applying Young’s, Hölder’s inequalities, the increases (4.35), (4.54) and (4.55), then the inequality (4.53) becomes


Thus, for m sufficiently large, Λm is a contraction on C(0,T;V×L2(Z)), and so Λ has a unique fixed point in this Banach space. □

Now, we have all the ingredients to prove Theorem 4.1.

Proof [of Theorem (4.1)]. Existence

Let (η*,χ*)C(0,T;V×L2(Z)) be the fixed point of Λ defined by (4.49)–(4.51) and denote

u*=uη* , θ*=θχ* , φ*=φη*,σ*=A(ε(u̇*))+Bε(u*)+E*φ*Mθ*,D*=Eε(u*)Bφ*Pθ* .

Let {u*,σ*},θ* and φ*,D* be the solutions of the problems PVη*,PVχ* and PVφ* respectively, obtained in Lemmas 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. The equalities Λ1(η*, χ*) = η* and Λ2(η*, χ*) = χ* combined with 4.49–4.51 show that 3.33–3.38 are satisfied. Next, the regularity 4.2–4.6 follows from Lemmas 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. □


Proof. The uniqueness part of solution is a consequence of the uniqueness of the fixed point of the operator Λ defined by (4.49)–(4.51) and the unique solvability of the problems PVη, PVχ and PVφ which completes the proof. □


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Further reading

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30.Bowen CR, Taylor J, LeBoulbar E, Zabek D, Chauhan A, Vaish R. Pyroelectric materials and devices for energy harvesting applications. Energ Environ Sci. 2014; 7(12): 3836-56.


The author would like to thank the reviewers for the important comments. This article presents an extension of sources [2, 11]. The article is based on the work of the abovementioned sources by extending the mathematical model to a multiphysical thermoelectromechanical law with three elements, introducing complex boundary conditions of different physical types and models.

For the mathematical model, the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem is demonstrated using results on quasivariational elliptical inequalities, parabolic differential equations and fixed point arguments.

These contributions represent an important step forward in the field of boundary problems in contact mechanics.

Corresponding author

Abdelmoumene Djabi can be contacted at: djabi.zaki@yahoo.fr

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