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Exploring the gender entrepreneurial dimension following a long-term crisis: the case of Cypriot and Greek micro and small firms

Nikolaos Sakellarios (Liverpool John Moores University – City Campus, Liverpool, UK)
Abel Duarte Alonso (The Business School, RMIT International University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Oanh Thi Kim Vu (The Business School, RMIT International University, Hanoi City Campus, Hanoi, Vietnam)
Seamus O'Brien (Falmouth University, Falmouth, UK)
Seng Kok (The Business School, RMIT International University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Santiago Velasquez (The Business School, RMIT International University, Hanoi City Campus, Hanoi, Vietnam)

EuroMed Journal of Business

ISSN: 1450-2194

Article publication date: 12 March 2024




The purpose of this study is to examine various key aspects associated with entrepreneurs’ behaviour following a long-term crisis. Specifically, the study compares the perceptions of female and male entrepreneurs operating in Cyprus and Greece concerning success factors and firm performance in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Conceptually, the study considers the organisational adaptation literature (Miles and Snow’s typology).


The views of female and male micro and small firm owners-managers operating in Greece and Cyprus, a total of 406, were gathered through a questionnaire. To analyse the quantitative data, independent samples t-test and exploratory factor analysis were applied.


Participants’ responses reveal similar levels of perceived importance between genders regarding adaptive measures and strategies to confront a long-term crisis, as well as perceived firm performance. Nevertheless, exploratory factor analysis highlights differences in how male/female entrepreneurs perceive actions that, as in the case of financial management, can safeguard the immediate outlook of the firm.


While scholarly discourses on gender and entrepreneurship abound, important knowledge gaps still exist, for instance, in entrepreneurs’ problem-solving strategies adopted by female and male entrepreneurs following crises. In addressing this scholarly gap cross-culturally, that is, drawing on cross-national data (Cyprus and Greece); the present study makes an important contribution. Empirically, the study ascertains similar entrepreneurial behavioural characteristics between female-male entrepreneurs. Theoretically, the study validates Miles and Snow’s typology and develops a theoretical framework linking the typology and dimensions emerging from the empirical findings.



The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their insightful feedback.


Sakellarios, N., Duarte Alonso, A., Vu, O.T.K., O'Brien, S., Kok, S. and Velasquez, S. (2024), "Exploring the gender entrepreneurial dimension following a long-term crisis: the case of Cypriot and Greek micro and small firms", EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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