Managerial Finance: Volume 42 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Value implications of corporate practices and risk analysis

Guest Editors: Dr Monzurul Hoque

Do voluntary cash flow disclosures and forecasts matter to value of the firms?

Monzurul Hoque, KC Rakow

Two stylized facts emerge from cash flow literature. One explores the link between free cash flow (FCF) to firm value (Jensen, 1986) and establishes that FCF increases firm value…


Does dividend policy drive repurchases? An empirical study

Nan Liu, Jamshid Mehran

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether firms repurchase shares to meet or just beat their dividend target as managers perceive share repurchases are more flexible…


Compensation committees: independence and firm performance

Sharon Kay Lee, William Bosworth, Franklin Kudo

Recently all major stock exchanges issued a requirement that listed companies have 100 percent independence on audit committees of the board of directors but now the focus has…


Do sensation seeking, control orientation, ambiguity, and dishonesty traits affect financial risk tolerance?

Alan Wong, Bernie Carducci

The purpose of this paper is to determine relationships between financial risk tolerance and the personality traits of sensation-seeking, locus of control, ambiguity tolerance…


Analysis of fixed and biased asset allocation rebalancing strategies

Michael D Mattei, Nicholas Mattei

Over the years a number of tactical, dynamic and strategic approaches for asset allocation have been developed to improve the objectivity of portfolio management. One of the most…

Cover of Managerial Finance



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  • Professor Don Johnson