Journal of Consumer Marketing: Volume 34 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Emerging Issues in Digital Marketing

Guest Editors: David Fortin

Does the crowdfunding platform matter? Risks of negative attitudes in two-sided markets

Camille Lacan, Pierre Desmet

Crowdfunding offers a popular means to raise donations online from many contributors. Open calls for contributions involve another actor too, namely, the internet platform that…


Social media sentiment analysis: lexicon versus machine learning

Chedia Dhaoui, Cynthia M. Webster, Lay Peng Tan

With the soaring volumes of brand-related social media conversations, digital marketers have extensive opportunities to track and analyse consumers’ feelings and opinions about…


The effects of smileys on receivers’ emotions

Katja Lohmann, Sebastian Stefan Pyka, Cornelia Zanger

Nowadays, computer-mediated communication (CMC) is an inherent part of consumers’ daily interactions. That kind of communication, however, is associated with limited options to…


Developing a scale for the perceived social benefits of sharing

Ashleigh Ellen Powell, Adrian R. Camilleri, Angela R. Dobele, Constantino Stavros

The purpose of this research was to create a brief scale to measure perceived social benefit that would be appropriate for use in future research aiming to explore the role of…


Achieving consumer trust on Twitter via CSR communication

Jana Kollat, Francisca Farache

Corporations are under increasing pressure to communicate their position and policies with regards to corporate social responsibility (CSR), informing consumers about the…


Tweets for tots: using Twitter to promote a charity and its supporters

Alena Soboleva, Suzan Burton, Kate Daellenbach, Debra Z. Basil

Twitter provides an ideal channel for a non-profit organisation (NPO) to add value to its corporate partners by providing the ability to send tweets to its own network of…

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  • Neel Das
  • Mujde Yuksel