International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 9 Issue 2


Table of contents

Evaluating relationships: are satisfaction and quality enough?

Deborah E. Rosen, Carol Surprenant

This paper examines the current literature and trends in the measurement of service relationships. The authors present evidence from two industry studies which suggests that…


Customer responses to emotional labour in discrete and relational service exchange

Kent Grayson

As part of their jobs, many service employees are required to express certain emotions, such as positive affect toward service customers. Sometimes employees do not actually feel…


Customer‐service provider relationships: an empirical test of a model of service quality, satisfaction and relationship‐oriented outcomes

Donald J. Shemwell, Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin

The objective of this study was to empirically test a model of relationships among service quality, satisfaction and selected behavioural outcomes. Particular attention was paid…


Customer satisfaction and its consequences on customer behaviour revisited: The impact of different levels of satisfaction on word‐of‐mouth, feedback to the supplier and loyalty

Magnus Söderlund

Explores the extent to which the form of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer behaviour is different under conditions of “low” satisfaction and “high”…


Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship

Mary Ann Hocutt

A relationship dissolution model is developed that depicts some of the key antecedents of relationship commitment as revealed in the context of the dissolution of a buyer‐seller…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited