Journal of Educational Administration: Volume 42 Issue 5


Table of contents

Productive leaders and productive leadership: Schools as learning organisations

Debra Hayes, Pam Christie, Martin Mills, Bob Lingard

This paper draws on a three‐year study of 24 schools involving classroom observations and interviews with teachers and principals. Through an examination of three cases, sets of…


A systems approach to quality in elementary schools: A theoretical and empirical analysis

C. John Tarter, Wayne K. Hoy

An open social systems model is used to frame and test a series of hypotheses. The socioeconomic status of the environment and four internal system elements (structure…


Context counts: Viewing small school leadership from the inside out

Simon Clarke, Helen Wildy

This paper proceeds from the basis that leadership can only be understood in context and by viewing it from the inside. In particular, it argues that the contextual complexity of…


Principals' sense of efficacy: Assessing a promising construct

Megan Tschannen‐Moran, Christopher R. Gareis

In this era of accountability and significant school reform, efforts to improve schools increasingly look to the principal to spearhead change efforts at the school level. Good…


Middle managers in further education colleges: The “New Professionals”

Ann R.J. Briggs

The findings reported here are part of a larger study of the role of middle managers in the UK further education colleges. The study proposes and discusses a typology for the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Chen Schechter
  • Professor Jayson W. Richardson