Information Technology & People: Volume 14 Issue 1


Table of contents

Advice for an action researcher

Enid Mumford

Discusses the role and problems of the socio‐technical action researcher at different stages of a project. It is based on the author’s personal experience when using action…


Controlling action research projects

David Avison, Richard Baskerville, Michael Myers

Action research (AR), which emphasises collaboration between researchers and practitioners, is a qualitative research method that has much potential for the information systems…


The dual imperatives of action research

Judy McKay, Peter Marshall

Action research (AR) is not without its critics, and those who reject some of the paradigmatic assumptions embodied in AR maintain that AR is little more than consultancy, that it…


GSS and action research in the Hong Kong police

Robert Davison

Group support systems (GSS), designed primarily for meeting support, are being increasingly used for learning activities. In this paper action research is applied to explore how…

Action learning and groupware technologies: a case study in GSS facilitation research

Pak Yoong, Brent Gallupe

Effective meeting facilitation is recognised as a critical factor in group support systems (GSS) use but relatively little is known about how organisations can train and develop…


System development conflict during the use of an information systems prototyping method of action research: Implications for practice and research

Mike Chiasson, Albert S. Dexter

In one particular action research (AR) methodology, information systems prototyping (ISP), the goals are to involve the researcher in a facilitative and collaborative role with…

Cover of Information Technology & People



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Edgar Whitley
  • Prof Kevin Crowston
  • Prof Yulin Fang
  • Prof Jyoti Choudrie