Internet Research: Volume 19 Issue 5


Table of contents

Mutual self‐disclosure online in the B2C context

Yu‐Jen Chou, Ching‐I Teng, Shao‐Kang Lo

This paper aims to investigate the relationship between company identity information disclosure, trust, and consumer self‐disclosure intentions during the first visit to a company…


The acceptance of blogs: using a customer experiential value perspective

Ching‐Jui Keng, Hui‐Ying Ting

This study is based on the interactivity and perceived similarity between blog readers and the others, and incorporates the concepts from customer experiential value. This paper…


Community based innovation: its antecedents and its impact on innovation success

Kuo‐Ming Chu, Hui‐Chun Chan

This paper aims to combine Mäkipää et al., Füller et al., and Ahonen et al. with regard to CBI ideas, and applies them to the new product development process of the firm. The main…


E‐government adoption in ASEAN: the case of Cambodia

Sinawong Sang, Jeong‐Dong Lee, Jongsu Lee

The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence e‐government adoption in Cambodia as one of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states.


Consumers' responses to brand websites: an interdisciplinary review

Hilde A.M. Voorveld, Peter C. Neijens, Edith G. Smit

The aims of this paper are to provide an integrated literature review of factors influencing consumers' responses to brand websites; to describe the state of research in the past…

Cover of Internet Research



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  • Dr Christy Cheung