Internet Research: Volume 23 Issue 5


Table of contents - Special Issue: The power of prediction with social media

The power of prediction with social media

Harald Schoen, Daniel Gayo-Avello, Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, Eni Mustafaraj, Markus Strohmaier, Peter Gloor

Social media provide an impressive amount of data about users and their interactions, thereby offering computer and social scientists, economists, and statisticians – among others…


Understanding the predictive power of social media

Evangelos Kalampokis, Efthimios Tambouris, Konstantinos Tarabanis

The purpose of this paper is to consolidate existing knowledge and provide a deeper understanding of the use of social media (SM) data for predictions in various areas, such as…


Predicting information credibility in time-sensitive social media

Carlos Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, Barbara Poblete

Twitter is a popular microblogging service which has proven, in recent years, its potential for propagating news and information about developing events. The purpose of this paper…


Forecasting the pulse: How deviations from regular patterns in online data can identify offline phenomena

Andreas Jungherr, Pascal Jürgens

The steady increase of data on human behavior collected online holds significant research potential for social scientists. The purpose of this paper is to add a systematic…

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  • Dr Christy Cheung