Revista de Gestão: Volume 31 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Women professors and Covid-19: impact of telework in the routine of university professors in Brazil

Samantha de Toledo Martins Boehs, Nágila Giovanna Silva Vilela, Lucas dos Santos-Costa, Simone Kunde, Mariane Lemos Lourenço

This article investigates the impact of teleworking, especially concerning work intensity, during the Covid-19 pandemic, on the routine of women university professors in Brazil.

Brazilian stock market performance and investor sentiment on Twitter

Dyliane Mouri Silva de Souza, Orleans Silva Martins

This study identified how investor sentiment on Twitter is associated with Brazilian stock market return and trading volume.


A hedonic value-based consumer continuance intention model toward location-based advertising

Xuan Cu Le

Hedonic value is commonly conceded as a determinant of behavioral intentions toward location-based advertising (LBA). However, the careful consideration of a mechanism behind…


Uncertainty and information causality in opportunity-as-artefact driving entrepreneurial actions

David Leong

Entrepreneurs prioritise and act on purposeful endeavours instigated to actions by the visions of profits and benefits in the perceived opportunities. In the state of maximum…

Do clean development mechanisms promote sustainable development in Brazil? a cross-sectoral investigation

Sara Gurfinkel M. Godoy, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes, Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider, Roberta Castro Souza Piao

This paper intends to verify the extent to which Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects intend to contribute to sustainable development (SD) in Brazil, one of the top three…

Smart technologies in supermarket retail and their influence on citizens' quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic

Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Cesar Alexandre de Souza, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia

This research aims to propose the development of a model that identifies, in essential services, the determining factors affecting the technological advances offered by different…


College environment and entrepreneurial intention in high school

Edson Sadao Iizuka, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Melissa Galdino de Souza

There is no consensus on the most effective way to foster entrepreneurship in educational institutions, and educational policies on entrepreneurial activity differ significantly…


Marketing communications’ dimensions and brand loyalty in the banking sector

Agartha Quayson, Kassimu Issau, Robert Ipiin Gnankob, Samira Seidu

The study investigated the effect of marketing communications’ dimensions on brand loyalty in the banking sector.