International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 30 Issue 6


Table of contents

Aid type and its relationship with human well being

Azmat Gani, Michael D. Clemes

This paper examines the effects of foreign aid type on human well being. Cross‐country regressions revealed aid for education and water to be positively correlated with human well…


The productivity paradox and the business cycle

A.H.G.M. Spithoven

From the early 1980s to the late 1990s overall productivity rates did not reflect the rising investment in information and computer technology (ICT). This paradox, the…


Global structural change and its de‐materialization implications

Mariano Torras

Employing World Bank data, this article finds that the observed worldwide transition from industrial to service activity has an insignificant long‐term impact on global…

Money and academic finance: the role of paradigms

Kavous Ardalan

Any adequate analysis of the nature and role of money necessarily requires fundamental understanding of the worldviews underlying the views expressed with respect to the nature…


Institutional economics and economic development: The theory of property rights, economic development, good governance and the environment

Biman C. Prasad

This paper discusses the institutionalists' economic thought and how they saw the role of property rights in economic development. It points out that the role of various…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett