International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 6 Issue 2


Table of contents

How to describe your service: An invitation to the structured analysis and design technique

Carole Congram, Michael Epelman

Service management has underestimated the importance of a processdescription in achieving service and organizational excellence. Whatservice managers need is a methodology for…


Analysis, planning, improvisation and control in the development of new services

Bo Edvardsson, Lars Haglund, Jan Mattsson

Given the increasing importance of the service sector in westerneconomies, not enough research has been carried out in the field of newservice development. Reports studies which…


Mass customization: conceptual underpinnings, opportunities and limits

Christopher W.L. Hart

Traditionally, executives have assumed that trade‐offs – highquality or low cost, efficiency or customization – are inevitable.In defining their businesses, the choice has always…


The zone of tolerance: Exploring the relationship between service transactions and satisfaction with the overall service

Robert Johnston

Briefly reviews some of the literature on service quality and inparticular the zone of tolerance – the zone of acceptable orexpected outcomes in a service experience. Uses the…


Internal services: classification and quality management

Bernd Stauss

The ultimate goal of total quality programmes is customersatisfaction. In order to reach that goal, TQM applies the customerorientation maxim internally, assuming that it can be…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited