Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

CSR report assurance in the USA: an empirical investigation of determinants and effects

Charles H. Cho, Giovanna Michelon, Dennis M. Patten, Robin W. Roberts

The authors aims to examine, first, what factors appear to lead those US companies that do obtain assurance on their CSR reports to do so, and second, whether this assurance…


Carbon sequestered in the trees on a university campus: a case study

Charl De Villiers, Sile Chen, Chenxing jin, Yiner Zhu

– The authors aim to investigate the ability of a New Zealand university to rely on the CO2 sequestered in the trees on campus to mitigate the CO2 emissions caused by operations.


Accountants' construction of CSR competencies and commitment

Marie-Andrée Caron, Anne Fortin

The article's main purpose is to investigate the relationship between organizational and professional commitment and accountants' construction of corporate social responsibility…


Adoption of green strategy by Danish firms

Hamid Moini, Olav J. Sorensen, Eva Szuchy-Kristiansen

The purpose of this study was to examine the issue of corporate environmentalism from a managerial perspective, specifically in connection to top management commitment and the…


Municipal collaboration for carbon footprinting: Syracuse, New York case study

Carolyn Ramsden, Richard C. Smardon, Gregory Michel

The City of Syracuse, New York, has undertaken energy conservation measures over the past decade. In 2011, the city completed a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory that serves as the…

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  • Prof Carol Adams