Journal of Management Development: Volume 4 Issue 5


Table of contents

What Management Development Means for American CEOs

Charles Margerison, Andrew Kakabadse

A good starting point for management development staff is to interview company “high flyers” to establish their views. Research carried out among 711 American client executives…

International Management Education in the Pacific

N.H. Paul Chung

Given the need to reflect the global nature of business and the need for a Pacific‐Asia focus on management education, a region‐wide PAMI (Pacific Asian Management Institute…

Interventions for Improving Leadership Effectiveness

Chris Argyris

The task of intervening to increase leadership effectiveness is to help learners become aware of counterproductive reasoning (defensive reasoning occasioned by threat, as opposed…


Guiding Principles for the Development of Competency‐Based Business Curricula

Ronald R. Sims, William I. Sauser

Both environment and learning process must be planned to maximise their special contributions to managerial competence. Kolb's Experiential Learning Model provides a framework for…

The Process of Educating and Developing Managers for the Year 2000

Bert Cunnington

A review of the literature defining managerial skill draws the conclusion that the key to future management development lies in identifying the competencies required for…

Cover of Journal of Management Development



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson