Executive Development: Volume 7 Issue 2


Table of contents

Managing Rapid Change: Lessons Learned from Experience: An Interview with James M. Guinan

J. Michael McDonald

Focuses on the lessons learned by a CEO during a long career ofsuccessfully managing several different large organizations during major“turnarounds”. The lessons are on the…


Evaluating Executive Development: A Case Study

Kimberly A. Wade‐Benzoni, William E. Fulmer

Describes an effort by a large US company, GTE, to evaluate the impactof a major management development effort and to decide how best thegroup responsible for the course should…


Data Management: Executive Aid

Gerald Vinten

Data management is the preferred name for a technique that is known byother names. It involves the rearranging of data until such point as itis possible to make sense out of the…


Marketing Information Managers in Organizations – The Missing Link

Gordon Cairns

Argues the case for the appointment of specialist information managersto market information internally in organizations. Their role will be toensure that the information systems…


Facilitating the New Manager Transition: Part I

Ronald J. Burke, Carol A. McKeen

It is not uncommon for high‐level managers appointed from outsideorganizations to fail in their new assignments. This failure in takingcharge, while common, has received little…


Planning Your Total Career and Life Portfolio: Part I: A Model for Management Development

Jay J. Zajas, Jann R. Mitchener Zajas

Accelerating technology and market changes are creating many newemployment opportunities and career challenges. With such changes,viable career development strategies are needed…


The Actor Manager

Robert D. Freeburn

Explores the diverse roles expected of managers in industry today andlikens them to those of actor/managers. Draws the comparison tohighlight the importance of roles changing…


Managing Your Grapevine: A Key to Quality Productivity

Barron Wells, Nelda Spinks

Unofficial communication is the communication that flows throughout anorganization without official sanction. This unofficial communicationnetwork, the “grapevine”, exists in all…


Identifying Management Development Needs: Balancing Individual and Organizational Requirements

John Temperley

Examines the author′s view of future organization requirements and howtraining and development can provide the means of integrating theorganization and the individual. Considers…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited