Management Development Review: Volume 7 Issue 6


Table of contents

How the Post‐heroic Leader Scores

Tom Roth

Examines attitude changes occurring in companies since the mid‐1980sthrough job disruptions and redundancies, and suggests leaders do notrealize that companies are not running as…


What Is the Latest on Leadership

Stephen King

Assesses new forms of leadership in various circles of the UK and US;provides examples from various companies, e.g. Rath & Strong; listsimportant elements of leadership. Examines…


The Human Side of Business Process Re‐engineering

Rob Evans

Scrutinizes business process re‐engineering (BPR) programmes and theireffect on employees – resistance and inability to change. Suggests BPR isnot the technically‐driven exercise…


Integrating Strategy with Performance Measures

Alexander Roberts

Hints that performance measurement systems are inaccurate in that whatis measured is often not done. Suggests changing plans of measurementcan often defeat their achievement; and…


Model Strategy for Change Management

Mike Lennox

Considers the failure of industrial management techniques to overcomeresistance to change which exists in organizations. Recounts the ideasbehind David Hall′s new management…


Career Development for High Fliers

Terry Bates

Reports on a recent survey by GHN Career Management Consultants whosuggest companies are not making the best use of high fliers. Provides amethod of identification of high fliers…


Overcoming Negative Employee Attitudes

Rosemary Hawkins

Investigates negative employee attitudes through the experiences of theHawkins Partnership which specializes in providing effectivecommunication in businesses. Lists and…


NVQs: Frameworks for Change

Anthony Houston

Identifies the National Council framework for National VocationalQualifications (NVQs) and General National Vocational Qualifications(GNVQs), which set standards for occupations…


Personal Efficiency and Productivity: Do You Match Up?

Susan Bacon‐Blackwell

Office automation has failed to improve productivity and jobsatisfaction of white‐collar workers according to the Institute forBusiness Technology (IBT). Reports IBT survey…


Skill Trends in the City

Nigel Szembel

Reviews two reports which analyse employment patterns, salaries andskills of people employed in the City. The first report, The City LabourMarket finds that there are wide…


Assessing Risks to Staff

Stephen King

Reports on the publication of guidance to employers published by theSuzy Lamplugh Trust, the national charity for personal safety. Endorsedby the Health and Safety Executive and…


BPR – Help or Hindrance to Learning?

Adaptation Limited

Reports on the COBRA project, (constraints and opportunities in businessrestructuring – an analysis). Conclusions of its study were thatsuccessful introduction of new patterns of…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

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Emerald Publishing Limited