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Glycemic response to amylopectin rich starch present in common fasting foods of India

Pooja R. Singhania (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, India)
Kasturi Senray (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India)

Nutrition & Food Science

ISSN: 0034-6659

Article publication date: 18 May 2012




Starchy foods have been emphasized in the diet for reducing hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. However, all starch containing foods respond differently, depending upon various other factors in food such as the amylose:amylopectin ratio, co‐ingredients, methods of cooking, etc. which also impact its metabolic response. During days of fast, in India, potato and sago are the most commonly used food to provide quick source of energy. The purpose of this paper is to determine the functional and nutritional quality of fasting foods such as potato and sago, having higher amylopectin content, with respect to their relative glycemic and insulin response in normal healthy volunteers.


The postprandial glycemic response to boiled potato and sago khichdi in relation to equal quantity of bread (reference) was compared using Relative Glycemic Potency (RGP) represented as the Glycemic Bread Equivalent (GBE) of foods. Five clinically healthy subjects were fed 100 g of test foods and standard, and their blood glucose and insulin response was recorded at fasting (0 min) and at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min.


It was found that both potato and sago khichdi produced peak glucose response at 30 min and levels returned to baseline within 60 min. The higher amylopectin content which facilitates faster absorption from the gastro‐intestinal tract and into the cell results in the total area under the curve (AUC) glycemic response to potato and sago khichdi to be significantly lower than that of bread (p < 0.05). The total AUC insulin response to potato (p <0.05) and sago khichdi was also lower than that of bread.

Practical implications

Therefore, starch‐based foods rich in amylopectin lead to quicker absorption of sugar to supply the energy to the energy‐deprived cells common in fasting condition.


The paper shows that the starch present in these fasting foods is typically characterized by a higher amylopectin:amylose ratio.



Singhania, P.R. and Senray, K. (2012), "Glycemic response to amylopectin rich starch present in common fasting foods of India", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 42 No. 3, pp. 196-203.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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