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Health and health care disparities among women in mainland China

Xiaofei Wang (International Affairs, China Population and Development Research Center, Beijing, China)
Jiehua Lu (Department of Sociology, Peking University, Beijing, China)

Asian Education and Development Studies

ISSN: 2046-3162

Article publication date: 10 April 2017




Women’s health is considered a big public health issue, impacting personal well-being, family reproduction, and society’s development. Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, major improvements in women’s social status and health have been made. However, far less has been achieved with respect to gender equality and women still face health disparities. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of health and health care disparities among women and their determinants in China today.


This paper used the Statistical Yearbook of Health and Family Planning 2014, the 2010 Women’s Social Status Survey and 2010 census data from the National Bureau of Statistics to give an overall description of disparity in health care and health outcome facing women.


Progress in health is not equally shared by the female population, and the differences in women’s health by region and in urban and rural areas are considerable. The existing health disparities are still faced by women in terms of life expectancy, hazardous working environment, and health care services. As to gender differences among the elderly aged 60+, men have better health status compared to women. In addition, women are more financially dependent on other family members for the main source of daily living, reflecting their economic disadvantages.


This study gives a comprehensive and the latest overview of trends of women’s health progress, disparities in health care, and health outcomes both in female population and between genders by using three data sources.



This study is jointly supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China grants (71110107025, 71233001, and 71490732), UNFPA and the NIH (R01AG023627).


Wang, X. and Lu, J. (2017), "Health and health care disparities among women in mainland China", Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 166-178.



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