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Intention is not method, belief is not evidence, rank is not proof: Ethical policing needs evidence-based decision making

Renée J. Mitchell (Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)
Stuart Lewis (Department of General Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA)

International Journal of Emergency Services

ISSN: 2047-0894

Article publication date: 13 November 2017




The purpose of this paper is to argue that police research has reached a level of acceptance such that executive management has an ethical obligation to their communities to use evidence-based practices.


Using an Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) framework the authors apply an ethical-based decision-making model to policing decisions. EBM does not allow physicians to ignore research when giving guidance to patients. The authors compare the two professional approaches to decision making and argue policing has reached a level of research that if ignored, just like medicine, should be considered unethical. Police interventions can potentially be harmful. Rather than do no harm, the authors argue that police managers should implement practices that are the least harmful based on the current research.


The authors found policing has a substantial amount of research showing what works, what does not, and what looks promising to allow police executives to make decisions based on evidence rather than tradition, culture, or best practice. There is a deep enough fund of knowledge to enable law enforcement leadership to evaluate policies on how well the policies and procedures they enforce prevent crime with a minimum of harm to the communities they are sworn to protect and serve.


Policing has yet to view community interventions as potentially harmful. Realigning police ethics from a lying, cheating, stealing, lens to a “doing the least harm” lens can alter the practitioner’s view of why evidence-based policing is important. Viewing executive decision from an evidence-based ethical platform is the future of evaluating police executive decisions.



Mitchell, R.J. and Lewis, S. (2017), "Intention is not method, belief is not evidence, rank is not proof: Ethical policing needs evidence-based decision making", International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 188-199.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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