Challenges of today’s energy sector

Prasanta Kumar Dey (Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK)

International Journal of Energy Sector Management

ISSN: 1750-6220

Article publication date: 5 June 2017



Dey, P.K. (2017), "Challenges of today’s energy sector", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 178-178.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited

The second issue of volume 11 of International Journal of Energy Sector Management comprises nine research articles, which deal with various issues and challenges that are common to many countries although some of them have been demonstrated through specific country perspective.

Climate change issues are one of the greatest threats of today’s human endeavour. Greenhouse gas emission is one of the causes for this. The research article by Dhamija, Yadav and Jain explores Certified Emission Reduction of top 50 Indian companies for the period of 2011 to 2015. von Selasinsky, Schubert, Meyer and Möst analyse whether experiencing a supply interruption affects the valuation of security of electricity supply. They reveal that experience with power outages can increase the perceived relevance of the policy objective “security” at the expense of the objective “environmental sustainability”. Radha, Subramanian, Ganesan and Abirami present a method to minimise operating cost, adhering pollution norms, maintaining reserve and voltage levels subject to various operational constraints including non-linear characteristics of generators and fuel limitation issues, which is useful for today’s power system applications.

Recently, social media is contributing in a big way not only in understanding issues and challenges of energy sector by involving its stakeholders but deriving solutions through consensus. Martin in his article entitled “Stakeholder dialogue on Facebook: findings from German, Austrian and Swiss public utilities” provides insights into virtual stakeholder dialogues in the energy sector along with suggestions to operationalise such a virtual dialogue. Kolloch and Reck empirically study German energy industry innovation networks through inter-organisational knowledge transfer. Rathod and Garg develop a new tariff design method using K-means clustering and gap statistic through empirical research carried on nearly 27,000 residential consumers from Sangli city, Maharashtra State in India. Welkoborsky, Kunert and Schiereck in their article entitled “Stock market reactions to layoff announcements – analysis of the renewable energy sector” underline the negative perspectives of the sector from a capital market point of view and the declining importance of the sector with respect to employment numbers. Karan and Alma aim to evaluate recently privatised 18 electricity distribution and retail companies in Turkey through testing hypothesis on appropriate valuation of the companies. Trimech investigates the pattern of dependence between crude oil price and energy consumption of the most important economic sectors in the USA, from January 1986 to July 2014. The study explains the structure of relationships between variables and helps understand the variations and improve forecasts of the crude oil price and energy consumption over different time scales.

In our future issues, we’ll consider publication of original articles on carbon footprint calculations and reduction across the industries. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their unpublished papers covering literature reviews, empirical research, modelling and case studies for possible publications. We may also consider special issue proposal in this area.

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