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Maintaining an organizational spirituality: no easy task

Gregory N.P. Konz (John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio, USA)
Francis X. Ryan (John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio, USA)

Journal of Organizational Change Management

ISSN: 0953-4814

Article publication date: 1 June 1999



Spirituality in general, and in the workplace in particular, has become an important topic in recent years. Spirituality in the workplace is more than a passing fancy; it is changing the fundamental nature of work. Individuals are searching for meaning in their work, a meaning that transcends mere economic gain. These individuals are looking to their organizational leaders to help them in their search, and organizations in turn are being challenged to maintain a spirituality. A study of the mission statements of the 28 US Jesuit universities reveals that maintaining an organizational spirituality is no easy task.



Konz, G.N.P. and Ryan, F.X. (1999), "Maintaining an organizational spirituality: no easy task", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 200-210.




Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

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