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Managing pain in prison: staff perspectives

Elizabeth Walsh (Associate Professor: Offender Health, based at School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Christine Butt (Clinical Research Fellow, based at Healthcare Research, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Leeds, UK)
Dawn Freshwater (Professor of Mental Health, based at School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Rachael Dobson (Lecturer, based at School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Nat Wright (Clinical Director for Vulnerable Groups, based at HMP Leeds, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Leeds, UK)
Jane Cahill (Senior Research Fellow, based at School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)
Michelle Briggs (Professor, based at Centre for Pain Research, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK)
David Alldred (Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, based at School of Pharmacy, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK)

International Journal of Prisoner Health

ISSN: 1744-9200

Article publication date: 9 September 2014




The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of one part of a larger study, funded by the National Institute for Health Research, which explored the management of pain in adult male prisoners in one large category B prison in England. In this paper, the authors focus on the attitudes and perceptions of prison staff towards pain management in prison.


A qualitative design was utilised to explore the staff perceptions of pain and pain management in one adult male prison. Questionnaires were provided for all staff with prisoner contact, and a follow up focus group was undertaken to further explore questionnaire data.


The questionnaire and focus group findings demonstrated that staff had a good awareness of pain and pain management in prison, with both physical and emotional pain identified. The frequency of approaches by prisoners to staff for pain relief was noted to be high, whilst awareness of how the prison environment could potentially exacerbate pain was discussed. The acquisition of analgesia by prisoners for secondary gain was identified as a challenge to both assessing levels of pain and providing pain relief in prison, illustrating the complexity of providing care within a custodial culture. The effect on staff of caring for prisoners found to be confrontational and deceitful was significant for participants, with feelings of anger and frustration reported.

Research limitations/implications

This study was undertaken in one adult male category B prison with a very high turnover of prisoners. Staff working in other types of prison, for example, higher security or those more stable with longer sentenced prisoners could provide alternative views, as may staff caring for younger offenders and women. The challenges to undertaking research in prison with staff who can understandably be reluctant to engage in reflection on their practice cannot be underestimated and impact significantly on available methodologies.


This qualitative research is the first of its kind to offer the perspectives of both health care professionals and prison staff working with prisoners complaining of pain in an English prison. It provides the groundwork for further research and development.



© Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013. This work was produced by Dr E. Walsh, Dr Rachael Dobson, Christine Butt, Professor Dawn Freshwater, Professor Michelle Briggs, Dr Jane Cahill, Dr David Alldred, and Dr Nat Wright under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising.


Walsh, E., Butt, C., Freshwater, D., Dobson, R., Wright, N., Cahill, J., Briggs, M. and Alldred, D. (2014), "Managing pain in prison: staff perspectives", International Journal of Prisoner Health, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 198-208.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2014, Authors

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