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We are what we do (and how we do it): Organizational technologies and the construction of organizational identity

Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward

ISBN: 978-1-84950-984-8, eISBN: 978-1-84950-985-5

Publication date: 8 July 2010


Past research has highlighted multiple interrelations between technology and social cognition. In this chapter, building on past studies, as well as on our own research, we advance propositions about the conditions under which technological features are likely to serve as cues for the construction of organizational identity and about the consequences of this fact for the enduringness of these features. In doing so, our emerging framework may contribute to increase more general understanding of how organizational features come to be perceived as part of organizational identity.


Ravasi, D. and Canato, A. (2010), "We are what we do (and how we do it): Organizational technologies and the construction of organizational identity", Phillips, N., Sewell, G. and Griffiths, D. (Ed.) Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 29), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 49-78.



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