Valor announces release for Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 version 6.1

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 June 2003



(2003), "Valor announces release for Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 version 6.1", Circuit World, Vol. 29 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited

Valor announces release for Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 version 6.1

Valor announces release for Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 version 6.1

Valor Computerized Systems has increased its value proposition for the Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 engineering solutions, with the release of version 6.1 for a more efficient CAD-to- manufacturing engineering process.

Recognized as a leader for productivity enhancing and quality increasing solutions at the manufacturing engineering level, Valor has complemented the Trilogy 5000 and Enterprise 3000 solutions with additional innovative product developments.

The external rules file (ERF) Manager module has been enriched with default design for manufacturability (DFM) rules-values, to provide an initial suggested set of PCB manufac- turability rules, enabling users to ramp-up their DFM processes more quickly, gaining immediate cycle-time and quality benefits, while concurrently enhancing and tuning the DFM rules to match their own specific technology constraints. Users can now benefit from a much quicker implementation of the ERF application in the DFM analysis set up. Prior to this development Valor conducted extensive research, lasting over a year, to determine which rules-values can be considered general industry DFM criteria and to define the rules to be aligned with IPC standards of workmanship, wherever appropriate.

Further enhancements to the Trilogy 5000 solution are new CAD interfaces to Cadstar, Protel, P-Cad, PADS-Perform and PADS- PowerPCB 4.0, expanding the existing and proven variety of direct interfaces to systems such as Mentor Boardstation and Expedition, Cadence Allegro, Zuken Visula and CR3000/5000, and others.

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