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Information and information search behavior of tourists: A cursory review of the literature, preliminary empirical tests and further research questions

Klaus Weiermair (University of Innsbruck, (Österreich) Institute for Tourism and Services Economics, University of Innsbruck, Kaiser‐Franz‐Josef‐Strasse 10, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria))
Brigitte Mäser (University of Innsbruck, (Österreich) Institute for Tourism and Services Economics, University of Innsbruck, Kaiser‐Franz‐Josef‐Strasse 10, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria))

The Tourist Review

ISSN: 0251-3102

Article publication date: 1 March 1996



This article shows first the problems of treating tourism as a product and analyses then the literature about information behavior of tourists, when they are making their decision for holidays. Empirical tests are dealing with data from eleven winter sport resorts, which were originally designed for purposes of service quality. However the results show that there are differences in information behavior due to personal and tourist status, due to the source of information and also whether tourist value the importance of skiing high or less.



Weiermair, K. and Mäser, B. (1996), "Information and information search behavior of tourists: A cursory review of the literature, preliminary empirical tests and further research questions", The Tourist Review, Vol. 51 No. 3, pp. 4-23.




Copyright © 1996, MCB UP Limited

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