Cooperative development allows Voyager ILS interactions with disparate systems in academic consortium libraries

The Electronic Library

ISSN: 0264-0473

Article publication date: 1 October 2004



(2004), "Cooperative development allows Voyager ILS interactions with disparate systems in academic consortium libraries", The Electronic Library, Vol. 22 No. 5.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Cooperative development allows Voyager ILS interactions with disparate systems in academic consortium libraries

Cooperative development allows Voyager ILS interactions with disparate systems in academic consortium libraries

Endeavor Information Systems has announced the development of Voyager InterCirc, a new system to provide circulation interaction between the Voyager integrated library management system and disparate consortia borrowing services from non-Endeavor providers. Voyager InterCirc is a technology for libraries to provide inter-system circulation services in the union catalogue environment.

Voyager InterCirc provides opportunities for Voyager libraries that join state or province-wide union catalogues and consortium-wide borrowing and lending projects that use non-Endeavor consortium resource sharing systems. With Voyager InterCirc, Voyager libraries can choose the partnerships and solutions that best meet the needs of their end users. Voyager InterCirc is a testament to the open architecture of Voyager and Endeavor’s commitment to meeting the needs of library end users.

Voyager InterCirc utilizes, but is not limited to, standard protocols. When applicable, Voyager InterCirc incorporates Endeavor’s work with the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) circulation interchange protocol (CIP), commonly called the NCIP standard. In other cases where consortium borrowing systems are not NCIP-compliant, Endeavor is developing Voyager InterCirc to communicate with proprietary practices to deliver end-user benefits.

Voyager libraries may opt for more powerful resource sharing capabilities offered in Voyager Universal Borrowing. This consortium borrowing system provides end users with unmediated patron-initiated borrowing from Voyager to Voyager libraries. In addition, the Voyager Universal Catalog provides a robust union catalogue with live holdings and item status displays. Whether offered in concert or as individual systems, Endeavor’s resource sharing systems are robust solutions for the increasing needs of cooperative environments.

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