New online resource for libraries' work with young readers

The Electronic Library

ISSN: 0264-0473

Article publication date: 1 October 2004



(2004), "New online resource for libraries' work with young readers", The Electronic Library, Vol. 22 No. 5.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

New online resource for libraries' work with young readers

New online resource for libraries’ work with young

Just launched is the newly developed Web site for Their Reading Futures (TRF), the national workforce development programme for libraries’ work with young readers. This programme supports libraries in putting reading at the heart of their work, by building the skills of library staff to reach and inspire young readers and their families.

TRF is for all library staff: everyone who works in a library meets with children and young people and their carers – the smallest contact can be that special one which opens up a young person’s reading. Through this Web site and through face-to-face training, cascaded through library authorities, TRF aims:

  • to skill all frontline library staff in supporting and stimulating young readers; and

  • to support library service managers in planning and advocating their reading services for young people.

TRF is a central strand of the action plan for the UK government’s new library strategy – Framework for the Future. The action plan is being led by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council.

TRF is a programme developed very much by the profession for the profession. Library practitioners throughout the country have actively contributed to the creation of the TRF Web site content and to the delivery of recent national training events, coordinated in partnership with the regional agencies for museums, libraries and archives.

The new Web site has sections on:

  • reading development definitions: what libraries do to bring reading to people;

  • planning and evaluation;

  • advocacy; and

  • building reader development skills – including a list of core skills for work with young readers and material on how to involve and consult with young people, and how to run storytimes and reading groups.

The learning materials in each section can be used by individual library staff, or as content for group training activities. Further content, with a strong e-learning element, is being created, including modules on “Finding the right book for the right child” and “Making the library welcoming”.

TRF is coordinated by The Reading Agency and led by a partnership of key professional bodies: SCL (Society of Chief Librarians), ASCEL (Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians), CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) and YLG (Youth Libraries Group of CILIP).

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