Internet editorial

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ISSN: 0263-2772

Article publication date: 1 November 1998



Brian Sloan, P., Hu, R. and Spinks, J. (1998), "Internet editorial", Facilities, Vol. 16 No. 11.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited

Internet editorial

General Web page to CEE and CIS countries

This site enable users to search eastern Europe by country/region/city. It also enables users to link to the list of national homepages at the Russian University of Pittsburgh.

For the businessman the most useful information is on: central and east European legal, political, business and economics links by country; central and east European non-governmental organisations; travel links and business links.


A basic site containing details of the country's ecomony, climate, geography, etc. A useful starting point for investigating opportunities in Albania.

The local Belarusian site for businessmen around the world

This site provides links to a number of investment projects, together with medicine and health! Also provided is information on real estate agents' offices.

Economic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This site provides comprehensive information on Bosnia and Herzegovina, an economic map, details of reconstruction and investments opportunities. It contains a business directory arranged according to a standard classification of activities and alphabetical listing of companies. Construction, engineering and consultant companies are also listed.


An interesting traveller's view of this country, rather than a site for the businessman.

Czech Republic

A showroom for this country, it gives you lots of good information. It covers basic facts, the political system, country and people, history, culture and arts, sport, investment, tourist information and the economy. It is also useful for those interested in obtaining statistics about this country. Perhaps of more importance is that it is the "ultimate" source of information managed by Czech Centres Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Links are provided to other useful sites: CIA World Fact Book, City Net, Czech Information Centre, Czech Expres, US State Department Travel Information, Czech Republic FAQ, SkyNet's Server, Czech Press Agency in Czech languag and Central Europe Online Navigator.


This site is hosted by the Croatian Information Centre with the co-operation of Naklada EDO. If thinking of making a trip to this country, the site contains almost everything you could want. Users can use this site as a virtual guide book to the country.

Estonia Country Guide

The Estonia Country Guide is part of an initiative to identify, document and provide access to information on Estonia. It was co-ordinated in Estonia by the Interim Estonian National Steering Committee and is a joint development of the Estonian Government, Academics, Universities, NGOs, the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), UNDP/SDNP and the Open Estonia Foundation. The site covers such areas as general information, news, state/political system, economy and trade, population, UNDP human development report, culture.


A useful map gives you a geographical overview of Internet information services in Hungary. If you click on a topic, you will receive a list of the services in the selected region. This site also enables you to gain access to information on all types of organisation (e.g. educational, research, commercial and governmental). If users wish to delve deeper, this site gives plenty of links which allow you to access such things as: mailing lists in Hungary; Hungarian online catalogues; what's new in Hungary; list of mirrored documents on Hungarian servers; Hungarian electronic library; painting in Hungary ­ virtual museum; national informatics strategy of Hungary; Internet Expo Hungarian Pavilion; information about Hungary; information about Hungarian cities, towns, villages; the weather forecast (in Hungarian only!); Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian dictionary; foreign Web sources about Hungary.


Lithuanian homepage linking to excellent information on many aspects of life and work in Lithuania. Information ranges from education and culture through to business and commerce. The site also has a useful search facility.

Macedonia republic/index.html

Facts and figures from the Republic of Macedonia with some interesting links to other Web-based resources in the region including the Newbiznet business support centre project.


The virtual Moldova home page, navigable with a sensitive clickable map. It includes: chat rooms and a Web board; plenty of social, cultural and political information; and English, Russian and Romanian versions of the Moldovan Yellow Pages. Links to other servers, press agencies, and the national bank.


An extremely comprehensive and up-to-date guide to business in Poland with daily news gathering, classified company listings, Warsaw stock exchange and market reports, a downloadable investor's guide in Adobe Acrobat format and a free market leads public bulletin board for traders.


This is a business-focused site with in-depth text and graphical analysis of current economic issues and trends in the Romanian economy. There is a searchable database of Romanian companies interested in exporting their products and foreign companies interested in doing business in Romania. Free advertising is offered for companies interested in being added to the list by way of an on-line form.

Slovak Republic

Generalist information about Slovakian life, culture and politics principally for visitors. Some background information about political administration and the business economy with a useful link to the Slovak Internet Trade Centre listing Slovak companies.


An attractive site by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia focused on providing useful state contacts for foreign business people considering doing business in Slovenia. Plenty of useful background information about life in Slovenia and comprehensive business environment, opportunity and contact sections, supported by a useful site search facility, guestbook and contact links.


This UK-based site is simple but informative, packed with general background information about the Ukrainian political and economic structures, key industries, natural resources and the national infrastructure. A list of useful addresses and a visitors' guide which includes a "unusual/strict laws" section.

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

A well-designed monthly electronic magazine for foreign investors sponsored by Belgrade businesses in conjunction with the Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce. This site includes: up-to-date information on the Yugoslav legal and economic systems; interpretations of the Yugoslav economic barometer; project briefs highlighting investment opportunities; business showcases; real estate market; an up-to-date business news section; and local attractions.

Professor Brian SloanRichard HuJohn Spinks

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