Dr Evelyne Andreewsky


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 April 2000




(2000), "Dr Evelyne Andreewsky", Kybernetes, Vol. 29 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2000.06729caa.010



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Dr Evelyne Andreewsky

Dr Evelyne Andreewsky

Keywords: Cybernetics, Systems

Contributions to systems and cybernetics

Dr Andreewsky's career in cybernetics and systems is highlighted here, together with details of her contributions to the literature. These have included more than 100 papers in many varied topics of the fields. Her scientific books and contributions by way of chapters in mainstream texts are numerous and distinguished. She has been involved with some 140 scientific congresses and conferences, organising many and delivering invited papers at others (Plate 1). Numerous scientific societies worldwide have benefited from her membership and she has held office in many and contributed to their successes. She is currently involved in many research programmes and projects. We include here a summary of her background in the academic world and her contributions to the world communities involved with science and in particular cybernetics and systems.

Curriculum vitae: scientific involvements

Educational background

  • ESE (École Supérieure d'Èlectricité) Engineer, Electronics, Paris.

  • Docteur ès Sciences, Computer Science (University P. & M. Curie - Paris VI).

Career in science

  • IBM Research Engineer, IBM-France, Paris, 1956-1959. (Research and development in programming language and numerical analysis.)

  • CNRS Research Engineer: 1960-1967.

  • Chief of the Information Processing Lab., Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics, Orsay (Paris-Sud University), 1960-1963. (Administrative, technical and scientific responsibility for the first computing center in a French university: implantation, running and teaching programming language and numerical analysis.)

  • Chief of the programming team of the CNRS Computing Center - Blaise Pascal Institute, 1964-1967. (Technical and scientific responsibility for the programming researchers team; organization (on a large scale) of a fast introduction to computer science, directly allowing CNRS researchers to write down programs on their own.)

  • UNESCO Expert (Computer Science): 1969. Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, Rumania & Central University, Caracas, Venezuela. (Advice on how to run computing centers, to design computer science and numerical analysis curriculum for students, to deal with PHD theses, etc.)

  • INSERM (French National Institute of Health) Consultant, Computers Planning Commission: 1968-1970. (Technical and administrative mission for introducing computers and information processing applications into both university hospitals and medical research.)

  • INSERM Researcher, Neuropsychology, Salpêtrière Hospital, Pans, 1972-1980. ("Cognitive Neurolinguistics": attempts to articulate computational linguistics and both language and aphasia experimental approaches in the framework of cognitive research.)

  • INSERM Senior Researcher, INSERM-TLNP (Normal and Pathological Language Processing) Lab., Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, from 1980. (Responsibility for the Cognitive Science TLNP Lab: language and language pathologies - lexico-dynamics problems. Developing of multidisciplinary approaches, articulating together "in vitro'' data (out of computer simulations.)

Contributions to science

  • More than 120 papers published in the framework of scientific international journals (computer science, cognitive neurolinguistics, computational linguistics, systems science, cognitive science, etc.);

  • 20 scientific books or book chapters;

  • 140 congress scientific conferences (including 35 invited papers); organization of many national and international congresses, symposia and summer schools.

Work with scientific societies

  • President. UES (Union Européenne de Systémique), a systems science European Union, from 1989.

  • Member. AFSCET (Association Francaise de Systémique) - Treasurer of the Association, from 1998; ARC (Association Franµaise pour la Recherche Cognitive), from 1981; ATALA (Association pour le traitement automatique des langues), from 1976 - Administration Council member; Cognitive Science Society, from 1980; International Graphonomics Society, from 1989; International Neuro-psychological Society, from 1976; Société Francaise de Psychologie, from 1978; Société de Neuropsychologie de langue franµaise, from 1976; UITF (Union des ingénieurs et techniciens utilisant la langue franµaise), from 1990.

Personal notes

Dr Andreewsky is married with two children and lives in Paris. She currently is the INSERM Senior Researcher at the Normal and Pathological Language Processing Laboratory, Institut National. de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (equipe Paris, France de recherches sur le traitement du langage normal et pathologique) Paris, France. Her contributions to science are so numerous it has not been possible to include them in this profile and Dr Andreewsky is able to provide a full bibliography.

Dr Andreewsky is fluent in French, English and Spanish and has some Russian. Readers of this journal will be able to appreciate her work in an invited paper on "Abduction and expertise in language understanding or law making" (with D. Bourcier) which will be published in our Millennium Volume. At the recent Eleventh (WOSC) International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems (Brunel University, August 1999) she was a member of the International Scientific Committee and also chaired the Perception and Cognition Section, as well as presenting a paper (with D. Bourcier) in Part I of the section's meetings.

The President of WOSC, Professor Stafford Beer, the Director-General, and the directorate were unanimous in awarding the prestigious Honorary Fellowship of the Organisation to Dr Andreewsky at a special ceremony held at the congress.

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