Card Games for Developing Service

Leadership & Organization Development Journal

ISSN: 0143-7739

Article publication date: 1 November 2001



(2001), "Card Games for Developing Service", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 22 No. 7.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Card Games for Developing Service

Card Games for Developing Service

Gayle Stuebe and Susan ShamyGowerAldershot2000£225 + VAT0 566 08296 9 (Boxed set: manual and cards)£45 + VAT0 566 08297 7 (Cards only)

This is a very attractive pack consisting of a small loose leafed manual and 104 cards; each card has an eye-catching headline, an engaging illustration, a short paragraph describing a particular behaviour and a question or two for the user to answer about their own service behaviours. In addition, three double-sided A2 games boards are provided, which add, some variation; however, I was disappointed with the quality of these "boards" which are printed on "unbearable" paper rather than on laminated card.

The cards are divided into two decks, dealing with service interactions, presenting behavioural characteristics for effective frontline service, and service environment, presenting behaviours that support and encourage a service-focused culture. The manual includes a description of 40 games that use the cards or boards and each game is clearly described with learning objectives, a summary, an indication of time required and number of participants needed. The games are grouped into discussion games, assessing/sorting games, acting games, artistic games and implementation games. Like many of these kinds of packs, there sometimes seems to be little variation between games (since they all rely on the same materials), but in this case there is enough variation introduced by the use of the games boards, as well as extras such as use of flipcharts, to make the pack a worthwhile investment. I certainly feel that at the very least, the pack will stimulate discussion and thought and that users will enjoy the experience.

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