Nutrition & Food Science: Volume 32 Issue 1


Table of contents

Taste of Success

Roy Ballam

Explains the new Taste of Success scheme, which aims to reward good work with food in UK schools. The scheme has been running since September 2001, is supported by Sainsbury’s…


Drinking water in schools: hygiene standards at fountains

Kim Walters, Geoff Cram

In July 2000 a study was undertaken into the facilities offered for drinking water at 54 schools in North Yorkshire. The work also looked at hygiene standards at drinking water…


Recipe calculations

Mabel Blades

Provides some suggestions for consideration by anyone involved in the nutritional calculation of recipes. Topics such as weights of ingredients, conversions of weights from…


Antioxidative properties of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in linoleic acid model system

Pau‐Ling Tee, Salmah Yusof, Suhaila Mohamed

A study was conducted to determine the antioxidative properties of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) methanol extract by monitoring the formation of diene‐conjugated compounds and…


Utilization of kolanut and cocoa in beverage production

C.O. Jayeola, T.O. Akinwale

An attempt to partially replace cocoa with kola in beverage production was investigated. This was achieved by varying the level of kola in the beverage at ratios of 10:0, 7.5:2.5…


Infant feeding: which is the best practice?

M.N. Anokwulu

Reviews the various ways of feeding infants from birth to one year since what an infant eats at this stage in life is crucial to his/her future health. Critically discusses the…

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  • Dr Vijay Ganji