Education + Training: Volume 39 Issue 7


Table of contents

Acquiring skills for tomorrow today: “Cyberspace learning for kids”

Jean Hough, Dave Ellis

Considers the development of an on‐line electronic learning network , “Cyberspace learning for kids” (CL4K), for children aged 5‐16 across Europe. Examines the impact of…


Telematic lessons to be learned in education

Simon Eg, Michaël Geerdink

The arrival of the personal computer in education did not appear to be greatly significant at first; it did not serve any obvious educational goal, and software was inaccessible…


The communication revolution and education in schools

Paul Kelley

The introduction of new technologies raises questions not only of what is taught, but also of how it is taught. Uses case studies drawn from one particular institution, and…


TOPILOT: an application of new technology for distance learning

Ken Marks

Provides a brief introduction to TOPILOT, a telematics project sponsored by the European Community and developed as a response to the needs of children and young people from the…

The impact of CAL in a university engineering school

Eric Tucker

Based on a conversation between Eric Tucker of Feedback Instruments and Roland Stokes, University of Lincolnshire and Humberside, covers computer‐aided learning systems and their…


Telecommunications in education and training and implications for the communications and information technologies

George Lueddeke

Describes how an institution in Canada attempted to broaden staff understanding of two telecommunications media, videoteleconferencing and telecourse delivery, by establishing…

Cover of Education + Training



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  • Dr Martin McCracken