Personnel Review: Volume 19 Issue 3

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

Manpower Planning – Where Are We Today?

Alan Cowling, Mike Walters

To what extent have personnel managersrecaptured their enthusiasm for manpowerplanning, especially recruitment planning, in thelight of projected demographic change in the1990s? A…

Repertory Grid Technique in Employee Selection

Neil Anderson

The Repertory Grid Technique, a psychologicalmethod capable of elucidating both the person‐jobmatch and the job‐person match in employeeselection, is presented. Potential…


The Management of Salesforces: The Case of Life Insurance

Glenn Morgan

Reporting on ongoing research within a major lifeinsurance company, the difficulties in managinga salesforce are examined. Contradictions andstrains created by the mode of…

Policies, Practices and Attitudes towards Sexual Harassment in UK Organisations

Marilyn J. Davidson, Jill Earnshaw

A survey carried out to determine Britishmanagement’s attitudes to sexual harassment inthe workplace is presented. Definitions of sexualharassment and the extent to which…

The Decentralisation of Industrial Relations? – Recent Research Considered

Nicholas Kinnie

Changes are taking place in collective bargainingarrangements and management structures forindustrial relations. The Warwick Survey,confirming the findings of previous…

From Paradigms to Images: The Paradigm Warrior Turns Post‐Modernist Guru

Michael Reed

The intellectual trajectory of a central figure incontemporary organisation theory – GarethMorgan – is identified and assessed through adetailed analysis of his published work…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton