Personnel Review: Volume 24 Issue 4

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

In search of HRM: Beyond the rhetoric and reality distinction or the case of the dog that didn′t bark

Tony J. Watson

It is common in discussions about human resource management (HRM)to distinguish between “rhetoric” and what is regarded as aclearly separate “reality”. This is naïve in that…


The continuity of discontinuity: managerial rhetoric in turbulent times

Paul Thompson, Julia O′Connell Davidson

The need for a permanent revolution in organizational structuresand use of human resources is legitimated by reference to the need toadapt to ever more turbulent times. This gives…


HRM and the irresistible rise of the discourse of competence

Len Holmes

Despite debate and criticism, the notion of“competence” has risen to prominence very rapidly and nowhas an important place in the vocabulary of human resource management(HRM)…


Striving for seamlessness: Procedures manuals as a tool for organizational control

Claire Cohen

Describes the writer′s experiences as “author” of aprocedures manual for a large contract cleaning company. The seniormanagers were anxious to take control over what they saw as…


Organizational Change and personal mythology

Mary Frances

Uses personal construct psychology and ideas about personalmythology to explore the significance of our choice of occupation, andthe impact of organizational change on our core…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton