International Journal of Manpower: Volume 15 Issue 5


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents

Market Failure, Institutional Structure and Skill‐formation

Robert McNabb, Keith Whitfield

Examines the link between the institutional structure of the market fortraining and economic performance. Suggests that the market for traininghas a major potential for failure…


Evaluations of Labour Market Policy in Sweden

Anders Björklund

Outlines the current state of evaluation research in Sweden. Concludesthat it is limited in scope relative to the USA despite the much largerexpenditure on labour market policies…


Looking into the Black Box: Using Experimental Data to Find out How Training Works

John C. Ham, Robert J. LaLonde

Considers the relative effectiveness of using experimental trainingprogrammes. Uses the US experience of programme evaluation to make twomain points. First, many of the key…


Training and Enterprise in France

Eric Verdier

Describes the unique institutional mechanism in France whereby firms arerequired by law to devote a fraction of their wage bills to continuoustraining. Indicates that since the…


Vocational Training and Productivity Performance: An Anglo‐Dutch Comparison

Geoff Mason, Bart van Ark

Compares matched samples of precision engineering plants in Britain andThe Netherlands. Suggests that labour productivity levels in Britishindustry are 25‐30 per cent lower than…


Training down under: An Overview of the Australian Experience

Meredith Baker

Examines the extent and coverage of private‐sector training in Australiaand offers an overview of recent Australian Government initiatives invocational education and training…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman