Interlending & Document Supply: Volume 22 Issue 4


Table of contents

Music and Interlending in the United Kingdom: New Perspectives

Pamela Thompson

The problems surrounding music interlending formed a major part of theresearch for a library and information plan for music recentlyundertaken in the UK. Outlines the difficulties…


Perception of Economics in a Digital Publishing Environment: A Report of a Field Study

Elisabeth Davenport

The focus of much of the discussion of the economics of journalpublishing is the publisher/librarian exchange relationship. There aregood reasons for this: it allows discussion of…


Electronic Document Delivery through Library Co‐operation : A Trial Using SuperJANET and Future Possibilities

Frederick J. Friend

The SuperJANET document delivery pilot project was conducted betweenfive major research libraries in order to investigate the feasibility ofa library‐to‐library service using the…




Renamed from:

Interlending Review

Online date, start – end:

1983 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited