International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 30 Issue 12


Table of contents

Personal correlates of job satisfaction: empirical evidence from UK universities

Titus Oshagbemi

While several publications exist on the topic of job satisfaction, little is known about personal correlates of overall job satisfaction. This paper reviews the literature on…


Greenhouse emission reduction and sustainable development

R. Sathiendrakumar

Society has to find ways and means to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, to prevent global warming when considering inter‐generational equity with…


Performance of Islamic and mainstream banks in Malaysia

Saiful Azhar Rosly, Mohd Afandi Abu Bakar

The study found that Islamic banking scheme (IBS) banks have recorded higher return on assets (ROA) as they are able to utilize existing overheads carried by mainstream banks. As…


Evolving and implementing a social economics: the American Catholic experience

Daniel J. O'Neil

This article is modeled after Robert Michels' classic study of European social democracy. It attempts to ascertain the possibility of evolving and implementing, independent of…

Trade liberalization and environment in Pacific island countries (FICs): is it a case of “two gains for one”?

Biman Chand Prasad, John Asafu‐Adjaye

Trade liberalization policies pursued by the Pacific Forum Island Countries (FICs) have been further cemented as an appropriate strategy for economic growth through the recently…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett