European Journal of Marketing: Volume 42 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

Why “soft science” is the key to regaining leadership in marketing knowledge

Alan Tapp, Tim Hughes

The purpose of this paper is to highlight what the authors regard as serious problems with the continuing dominance of a “hard science” view of what constitutes “top quality”…


Strategic market orientation and business performance: The study of food and beverages organisations in Nigeria

N. Gladson Nwokah

The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which market orientation impacts the business performance of an organization.


Top versus leading journals in marketing: some challenging thoughts

Göran Svensson, Greg Wood

The objective of this paper is to discuss some criteria in order to distinguish between top versus leading journals in marketing. The aim is to stimulate the debate of the…


Marketing to postmodern consumers: introducing the internet chameleon

Geoff Simmons

The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, to provide an overview of postmodern marketing in the consumer context, integrating the relevant literature around two contrary…


Satisfaction in performing arts: the role of value?

Margee Hume, Gillian Sullivan Mort

The aim of this paper is to report on the structure and relationships between value and satisfaction in a cultural performing arts setting to identify the structure of…


The role of ethnic affiliation in consumer ethnocentrism

Irena Vida, Tanja Dmitrović, Claude Obadia

In view of the increasingly dynamic ethnic composition of nation states in Europe and elsewhere, this paper aims to examine the effects of ethnic affiliation on ethnocentrism and…


Factors influencing word of mouth effectiveness: receiver perspectives

Jillian C. Sweeney, Geoffrey N. Soutar, Tim Mazzarol

Word of mouth (WOM) is becoming increasingly recognized as an important form of promotion, particularly within professional services environments, where credence qualities play a…


Experiences as gifts: from process to model

Jackie Clarke

The purpose of this paper is to examine the giving and receiving of gifts that are experiences rather than physical goods, and to illuminate how the behavioural processes in the…


Servicescape and loyalty intentions: an empirical investigation

Lloyd C. Harris, Chris Ezeh

This paper seeks better to conceptualise, operationalise and subsequently to test a multi‐dimensional and more social view of servicescape and the direct and moderated linkages…


The organisation of integrated communications: toward flexible integration

Lars Thøger Christensen, A. Fuat Fırat, Simon Torp

Marketing organisations increasingly talk about the importance of integrating their communications, of aligning symbols, messages, procedures and behaviours across formal…


Intra‐functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions

Lloyd C. Harris, Emmanuel Ogbonna, Mark M.H. Goode

The objective of this paper is to contribute empirical evaluation of the factors, behaviours and processes that lead to intra‐functional conflict, and in so doing to contribute to…


Organisational capabilities: antecedents and implications for customer value

Hanny N. Nasution, Felix T. Mavondo

The paper aims to investigate the cultural and implementation organisational capabilities that contribute to provision of superior customer values through operationalising…


Online marketing communication potential: Priorities in Danish firms and advertising agencies

Morten Bach Jensen

The paper seeks to indicate where resources should be directed to utilize online marketing communication (OMC) further, including the identification of the diversity of OMC…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall