International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 2 Issue 1


Table of contents

Service Management/Leadership: Different from Management/Leadership in Industrial Organisations?

Celeste P.M. Wilderom

While a vast literature exists on management/leadership, littlesystematic attention has been given to whether the difference incharacter between service‐and non‐service production…


The Role of Rites of Integration in Service Delivery

Caren Siehl, David E. Bowen, Christine M. Pearson

Rites of integration can establish the appropriate level ofpsychological involvement between service providers and customers duringthe service encounter. This facilitates…

Dimensions of Job Scripting in Services Organisations

David A. Tansik, William L. Smith

The role of scripts as a job design tool, and the functional anddysfunctional impacts of mindlessness that can result from the habitualand repetitive performance of scripts is…


Internal Services: Gaps in Needs/Performance and Prescriptions for Effectiveness

Sandra Vandermerwe, Douglas J. Gilbert

Internal services are fundamental to corporate competitivenesstoday. Not only do they support line functions but also are directlyadding value to the company′s final offerings…


Quality and Intellectual Services

Anne Mayère

The question of quality is also becoming increasingly important inintellectual services provided for companies. However, because theseservices present certain of the main…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited