International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 4 Issue 1


Table of contents

Teamwork in Services: Quality Circles by Another Name?

R.J. Boaden, B.G. Dale

Much evidence has been generated in the past few years whichdescribes the demise of quality circles (QCs), yet teamwork involvingnon‐managerial staff, aimed at quality…


The Strength of Branding and Positioning in Services

Sally Dibb, Lyndon Simkin

In a recent article advertising agency boss Stephen King suggestedthat now is the time to revitalize the marketing of brands for the1990s, and in particular to develop branding…


Microcomputer‐based Workforce Scheduling

Larry W. Jacobs, Stephen E. Bechtold

Service operations managers often attempt to improvelabour‐scheduling efficiency through the use of one or more types ofscheduling flexibility. Part‐time labour, for example, is…


Services Innovation: Successful versus Unsuccessful Firms

Claude R. Martin Claude R. Martin Jr, David A. Horne

There is some acceptance of the idea that services and products areso intertwined that the process for development is the same, but therehas been no rigorous empirical evidence to…


Quality Blueprints of Internal Producer Services

Jan Mattsson

Although the industrial service sector represents an increasinglyimportant sector in the economy, only a tiny fraction of research hasprobed the secrets of how new industrial…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited