Librarian Career Development: Volume 3 Issue 3


Table of contents

Integrating individuals and organizations: an introduction to team management systems for career professionals

Rod Davies

Describes the importance of team management to career development,as well as the meshing of organizational and individual needs, and viewsthe career as a longitudinal concept…


Problems of practical placements

Anthony John Beard

Argues the hypothesis that practical placements for students oflibrarianship are especially problematic as the student, often straightfrom school, needs experience of the “world…


Library science curriculum

Estela Morales

Centres attention on the curriculum and through this reflects onseveral aspects related to librarianship as a discipline, and thedifferent approaches which have been part of it in…


Only connect: a professional fantasy

Marigold Cleeve

Outlines, via a series of letters, the problems and rewards ofmentorship among librarians.


Get that job – form filling and CV preparation

Susan Jean Hill

Discusses the design of job application forms, why they exist, andwhat they are designed to do. Offers a number of hints on filling inapplication forms, before turning to CVs and…




Online date, start – end:

1993 – 1999

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

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Library Management