OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 10 Issue 2


Table of contents

OCLC internet access: A report on PRISM access via the internet

Daniel CannCasciato

Some recent articles in this journal have dealt with various ways togain access to OCLC services. Modes of access have involved differentsoftware/hardware solutions to gain access…


PRISM/PASSPORT: “questioning authority (files)”

Judith A. Carter

In Part 1 of my “Authors and Titles and MARC – Oh My!” (Fall 1993) I askedif you wanted me to do a similar article on the Authority File format.Well, there was a resounding reply…


ILL conceived ideas

Susan Raschke

This month′s column concerning interlibrary services in the OCLCuniverse begins by offending some and continues through to ARIEL trendsand what may be some very hasty offers for…


Points of View: ILL PRISM Transfer

Jane Smith

In the last issue of OCLC Systems and Services we examined a feasibilitystudy being conducted by a few libraries and OCLC. This study wasdesigned to explore the possibility of…


Designing an Innovative Authority Control System in a PC Environment

Wendee Eyler, Margaret Mooney

For libraries without an integrated online catalog equipped with anautomated authority control function, the maintenance of an authorityfile is a highly complex and time‐consuming…


The BUS: An ILL request tracking system for PRISM and the micro‐enhancer

John D. Lewis

The Borrowing Update System (BUS) is a customized application fortracking and reporting on current and past Interlibrary Loan requestsprocessed using OCLC′s PRISM and…


Training technical services OCLC users

Terry Smith

Like many librarians in this era of shrinking budgets, I usually feeltoo busy with my day‐to‐day tasks and supervisory duties to spend muchtime contemplating the big picture…


Bound‐phrase searching in OCLC FirstSearch

Janice Zlendich

A useful way to pinpoint information in OCLC FirstSearch is through awordlist bound‐phrase search. A bound‐phrase search looks for the fulltitle, author, and so forth. exactly as…


CD‐ROM 1993: A Guide to the Literature

Susan L. Adkins

As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technicalsupport tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of thistechnology published in Computers in Libraries



This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/EUM0000000003765. When citing the…


Modeling user′s preferences for document delivery

Mark T. Kinnucan

A consumer survey of document delivery in academic settings wasconducted using a conjoint analysis approach. During interviews with 79randomly chosen faculty members and graduate


The CORE project: Technical shakedown phase and preliminary user studies

Stuart Weibel

The CORE project is an electronic library prototype that providesnetworked access to the full text and graphics content of AmericanChemical Society journals and associated




Renamed from:

OCLC Micro

Online date, start – end:

1993 – 2015

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited