On the Horizon: Volume 8 Issue 5


Table of contents

.com Meets .edu: How Business Schools Are Tapping Virtual Markets

Cornelia C. Weggen

Highlights the growing trend towards e‐learning and the increased need for universities to accommodate the needs of a busy workforce who are engaged in lifelong learning…

The Business of the University

Tom Abeles

Considers the role of universities in a changing environment and the deconstruction of the traditional Academy. Suggests that universities are now operating more like commercial…


Higher Education and the Global Marketplace: A Practical Guide to Sustaining Quality

Marjorie Peace Lenn

Provides a context for why higher education is exploding throughout the world, the challenges confronting education providers and a practical guide to sustaining quality. Outlines…

Voting With Their Feet: Students, Faculty and the Future of Higher Education

Liesl Swogger

Looks at the challenges facing higher education in the future. Highlights the combined problem of unprecedented student demand for places and the acceleration in the retirement of…


Reforming Education By “Setting Standards”: How They Are Affecting Our Schools

Debora L. Scheffel, Mark H. Scheffel, Barbara G. Rhine

Comments on the drive towards choice and accountability in education. Highlights three general trends that are emerging as a result of this move: standardised curricula, texts and…

Cover of On the Horizon



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • John Moravec