Journal of Financial Crime: Volume 6 Issue 4


Table of contents

The Plight of Victims of Economic Crime: Investors as Victims

Hendrik C. Nel

An ‘investor’ is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as ‘one who invests money’. However, this traditional definition does not include the other stakeholders in the modern…

Money Laundering, Criminal Assets and the 1998 Proposed Reforms

Michelle Gallant

In November 1998, the Home Office Working Group on Confiscation, a group convened in 1990 to monitor the operation of confiscation and money‐laundering legislation, released its…

Financial Regulation — A British Experience

Jason D. Haines

‘It must be remembered there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the…

A Perspective on International Organised and Economic Crime from Interpol

Raymond Kendall

It has been said many times that the criminal has no boundaries, and that is true, more than ever before, now that technology is opening up the world in a manner that we could not…

Statutory Immunity for Suspicious Activity Reporting: Real or Imaginary Protection for Financial Institutions?

Ian M. Comisky

In 1997, an appellate court in the US issued an important decision in the consolidated appeals of Lopez v First Union National Bank of Florida and Coronado v Bank Atlantic

Denial of Service Attacks: Threats and Methodologies

Richard E. Overill

SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS The provision of any service requires the utilisation of resources. In a digital context these resources might be processor cycles, memory capacity, disk…

Police Corruption

Tony Williams

Before considering anti‐corruption operations it would be helpful if the role of the Police Complaints Authority were briefly outlined. It is an independent body established by…


Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Baker and Others

Rinita Sarker

Discovery and inspection of documents are not only the primary investigative tools of any litigator but are also crucial to ensuring fair play between fighting litigants. Access…

Duty of Employers to Disclose Breaches of Contracts: BCCI v Ali and Others

Masooma Jaffer

In BCCI v Ali, the court was faced with the question whether an employer is under a duty to disclose breaches of contract where they may give rise to risks to the physical…

Policing the Markets: Structures and Policies

George Gilligan

Scandals are a recurring feature of UK financial services and they were probably more common in the 1840s than they are in the 1990s. There is no overwhelming evidence that…

Regulatory Challenges Posed by Investor Protection

Shiraz Mahmood

This paper considers the recent evolution of the British regulatory system and discusses what, in the author's opinion, may become some of the challenges that face regulators…

Fraud Investigation and Prosecution — The Way Forward

Perry Nove

The effective investigation and prosecution of fraud and other white‐collar crimes remains as difficult today as it was in 1948 when the Metropolitan and City of London Police…

Fraud in the Financial Markets — The New Bill

Tricia Howse

The implications of financial sector fraud, in terms of the dangers for our societies and for economic well‐being, must be clear to all. The implications for policy makers must be…

Canada: Cooperation between Regulators and Law Enforcement

Daniel P. Murphy

‘The fight against financial crime is one of the major challenges of our times. We emphasise that, as both financial services and crime become increasingly globalised, this…

Hong Kong and the PRC: Mutual Legal Assistance — A Chinese Puzzle

David Fitzpatrick

At the stroke of midnight on 30th June, 1997 Hong Kong was returned to the People's Republic of China. China takes justifiable pride in what has to date been a smooth transition…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Li Hong Xing
  • Prof Barry Rider