Journal of Integrated Care: Volume 29 Issue 3

Practical evidence for service improvement


Table of contents - Special Issue: Person-centred care and care integration

Guest Editors: Teresa Burdett, Joanne Inman

Case study method to design and evaluate person-centred integrated palliative and end-of-life care

Giovanna I. Cruz, Sarah M. McGhee

This case study aims to understand the experience of care from a patient/carer perspective and to describe how the method can be replicated to address gaps in evidence relating to…

Person-centred care in Northern Ireland: learning from the experiences of adult social care users

Alexandra Chapman

The move towards a “person-centred” or “personalised” system of adult social care has been at the heart of policy debates in Great Britain. However, policy developments in…

Will the real “Mrs Smith” please stand up: a critical examination of the role of vignettes in integrated service development and delivery

Thomas George, Michael Toze, Mo Ray, Owen Clayton

To explore the use of fictitious vignettes representing older people and the extent to which they serve as an effective resource in developing service provision and transforming…

Technical assistance needs for realizing person-centered thinking, planning and practices in United States human service systems

Bevin Croft, Jami Petner-Arrey, Dorothy Hiersteiner

The United States’ National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems provides technical assistance to human service systems on person-centered thinking, planning…

Achieving person-centredness through technologies supporting integrated care for older people living at home: an integrative review

Julie MacInnes, Jenny Billings, Alexandra Lelia Dima, Chris Farmer, Giel Nijpels

The purpose of this paper is to identify the range, type and outcomes of technological innovations aimed at supporting older people to maintain their independence within the…

International advances in self-direction: themes from a disability leadership exchange

Valerie Bradley, Miso Kwak, Highsmith Rich, Bevin Croft

Self-direction–also known as participant direction, personalization and self-directed care–is a service delivery model that enables people to manage their personal budget and…

Person-centred communication in long-term care with older people: a scoping review

Daniel Lombard

Interpersonal skills are increasingly important tools in long-term care with older people, especially against the backdrop of loneliness affecting older people and expectations…


A journey towards integrated person-centred care: a case study of a mental health perspective in the voluntary sector

Louise Kermode

Person-centred care is a fundamental component of any service. This case study aims to explore the delivery of person-centred care in the voluntary sector, discussing how…

Health care providers' experiences with delivering person centred care in an Integrated Care Program for thoracic surgery patients in Ontario, Canada

Kathy Kornas, Meghan O'Neill, Catherine Y. Liang, Lori Diemert, Tsoleen Ayanian, Melissa Chang, Laura Rosella

The purpose of this study is to understand health care providers' experiences with delivering a novel Integrated Care (IC) Program that co-ordinates hospital-based clinical…

Person-centred integrated care with a health promotion/public health approach: a rapid review

Teresa Burdett, Joanne Inman

Due to the need for the development of person-centred integrated models of care with a population health approach, this paper explored contemporary literature in this arena.

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  • Professor Axel Kaehne