Tourism Review: Volume 70 Issue 2


Table of contents

Tourism discourse and medical tourists’ motivations to travel

Krystyna Adams, Jeremy Snyder, Valorie Crooks, Rory Johnston

This paper aims to respond to a knowledge gap regarding the motivations of medical tourists, the term used to describe persons that travel across borders with the intention of…


The role of movie images and its impact on destination choice

Vanessa Quintal, Ian Phau

This study aims to examine whether movies are pivotal in developing empathy, nostalgia, perceived risk, place familiarity and place image that can shape viewer attitude towards…


The destination paradigm continuum revisited: DMOs serving as leadership networks

Dean Hristov, Anita Zehrer

This paper aims to serve as an introduction to a rather under-researched field. It aims to provide a conceptual definition of destination management organisations (DMOs) serving…


Economic impacts of the hotel industry: an input-output analysis

Hyojin Kim, Byung-Gook Kim

The purpose of this paper is to be limited to provide an overall economic structure linked with a particular hospitality industry by identifying the economic structure of…


To be or not to be? Addressing the ethical void in Macao’s tourism and casino development

Glenn McCartney

The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of ethics and codes of responsible behaviour in Macao’s casino tourism industry given its global leadership position in gaming…

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The Tourist Review

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Dimitrios Buhalis