Safer Communities: Volume 7 Issue 3


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

A perpetual sense of crisis… how to spend the £40 million

Patrick Williams, Rebecca Clarke

This paper discusses the opportunity that has arisen from the injection of £40 million for the National Probation Service. Importantly, the funds have been allocated to promote…

The government's new 10‐year drug strategy — a strategic tool or yet more spin?

Frank Warburton

Frank Warburton assesses the government's new 10‐year drug strategy. He takes as a benchmark the guidance given to crime and disorder reduction partnerships in Delivering Safer…

The government's terrorism strategy: implications for partnerships

Colin Rogers, Geoff Coliandris

Government plans for combating terrorism have been unveiled in their new strategic statement. Besides a focus on international and national activity, there are major implications…


Fear of the unknown

Bernard Gallagher

While there is considerable public concern over stranger‐perpetrated child sexual abuse (CSA) and abduction, much of the professional debate over this subject is characterised by…


‘Robbery careers’: desistance attempts

Daniel Briggs

Much attention has focused on the motivation for robbery and robbery in different contexts, but an understanding of young robbery careers in an urban setting, and the pathways…


Celebrating a decade of the Crime and Disorder Act? A personal view

Daniel Gilling

In this personal view of a decade of the Crime and Disorder Act (1998), Daniel Gilling argues that New Labour are to be congratulated for bringing about a radical reform in the…

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  • Timi Osidipe