Journal of Economics and Development: Volume 24 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

Political institutions and economic performance in Ethiopia: an auto regressive distributed lag bound approach to co-integration

Fikadu Abera Garedow

The main objective of this study is to examine how political institutions affect economic performance in Ethiopia over the 1980–2019 time periods.


The impact of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies preferential credit on household welfare in Vietnam: a panel data analysis

An Duong, Ernoiz Antriyandarti

The study examines the impact of the preferential credit provided by the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies on poverty reduction in Ninh Binh province, Vietnam. It also identifies…


Regional economic integration, natural resources and foreign direct investment in SADC

Gameli Adika

This paper aims to examine the role of economic integration and natural resources and foreign direct investment (FDI) complementarity in explaining economic growth in the Southern…


Using PLS-SEM to analyze challenges hindering success of green building projects in Vietnam

Quangdung Tran, Dechun Huang

This study focused on investigation of the critical challenges the general contractors are facing in executing green building (GB) projects in Vietnam.


Health hazard of using mosquito repellent in Khulna city, Bangladesh

Muniva Islam, Mohammed Ziaul Haider, Sk. Faijan Bin Halim

This study examines mosquito-borne diseases and health hazard of using mosquito repellents in Bangladesh. This study also targets to explore the use of different mosquito…


A business-cycle model with monopolistically competitive firms and Calvo wages: lessons for Bulgaria

Aleksandar Vasilev

The author augments an otherwise standard business-cycle model with a rich government sector and adds monopolistic competition in the product market and rigid prices, as well as…

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  • Prof Dr Le Quoc Hoi