American Journal of Business: Volume 27 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Immigration: Impacts on Society & Business

Guest Editors: Michael J. Pisani, Luis A. PerezBatres

Undocumented immigration and the business of farm labor contracting in the USA

Anita Alves Pena

Farm labor contractors operate as intermediaries between farmworkers and agricultural employers by recruiting and supplying labor to US farms. In a political economy where there…

Latino informal immigrant entrepreneurs in South Texas: Opportunities and challenges for unauthorized new venture creation and persistence

Michael J. Pisani

The purpose of the paper is to shed light on Latino informal immigrant entrepreneurs within a specific border zone in South Texas. Three research questions inform this study: What…


The webnovela and immigrants in the United States

Tomás A. López‐Pumarejo

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the webnovela, a new type of marketing genre and sentimental serial drama which is popular among immigrants, pivotal to the future of the…

Arab American entrepreneurship in Detroit, Michigan

Ola Marie Smith, Roger Y.W Tang, Paul San Miguel

The purpose of this paper is to examine the pathways to success of Arab American entrepreneurs in the Detroit Metropolitan Area, and how Arab American businesses impact the local…

Efficient labor reallocation and the liability of localness: Unintended consequences of NAFTA and other commercial agreements

Luis A. Perez‐Batres

The purpose of the paper is to explore the polarizing subject of immigration, from a business/economics perspective.

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  • Dr David Burnie