Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 28 Issue 5


Table of contents - Special Issue: Accounting in pluralistic societies

Guest Editors: Professor Judy Brown, Professor Jesse Dillard and Professor Trevor Hopper

Accounting, accountants and accountability regimes in pluralistic societies: Taking multiple perspectives seriously

Judy Brown, Jesse Dillard, Trevor Hopper

The purpose of this paper is to synthesize work in the emerging field of how accounting and accountability can be reoriented to better promote pluralistic democracy which…


“Good” news from nowhere: imagining utopian sustainable accounting

Jill Atkins, Barry Colin Atkins, Ian Thomson, Warren Maroun

The purpose of this paper is to attempt to provide a ray of hope, in the form of a Morris-style utopian dream of a sustainable world, as a basis for new forms of accounting and…


Seeds of hope? Exploring business actors’ diverse understandings of sustainable development

Christine Byrch, Markus J. Milne, Richard Morgan, Kate Kearins

The purpose of this paper is first, to investigate empirically the plurality of understanding surrounding sustainability held by those working in the business sector, and second…


Indonesian public sector accounting reforms: dialogic aspirations a step too far?

Harun Harun, Karen Van-Peursem, Ian R.C Eggleton

Drawing from an interest in the changing Indonesian political and regulatory history, the purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the role that accounting reform…


Participatory budgeting at a community level in Porto Alegre: a Bourdieusian interpretation

Laure Célérier, Luis Emilio Cuenca Botey

– The purpose of this paper is to explore how accountability practices can enable sociopolitical emancipation.


Making institutional accounting research critical: dead end or new beginning?

Sven Modell

The purpose of this paper is to review extant accounting research combining institutional and critical theories to examine whether the paradigmatic tensions associated with such…


Activism, arenas and accounts in conflicts over tobacco control

Ian Thomson, Colin Dey, Shona Russell

The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical and empirical insights into the effective use of external accounts by social activists in conflict arenas in order to bring…


Accounting as differentiated universal for emancipatory praxis: Accounting delineation and mobilisation for emancipation(s) recognising democracy and difference

Sonja Gallhofer, Jim Haslam, Akira Yonekura

The purpose of this paper is to add to efforts to treat the relationship between accounting, democracy and emancipation more seriously, giving recognition to difference in this…

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker